I'ma take these curlers and make the best soil eva', baby boy!!!
That's where mine came from. And that's what it should be called everywhere. When I see "DE" I think of the fine particles used to filter H20 or repel slugs/snails.in Oz (called "diatomite")
At the risk of this devolving into its own side argument, I’d like to make it clear this will never happen. The mountain is largely protected land and the various conservation and environmental groups will very likely succeed in blocking any mining.
It is. Only few cat litter products are made of DE. The list is available on HH's web site.Our cat litter and European is not the same beast.
I have heard that akadama soil deposits have been found in other mountainous areas out west, not just Mt. Hood, however, once extrapolated as to the cost of mining, it would be unmarketable expensive anyway.At the risk of this devolving into its own side argument, I’d like to make it clear this will never happen. The mountain is largely protected land and the various conservation and environmental groups will very likely succeed in blocking any mining.
What kind/brand of DE is this--I’ve been using DE for 4 growing seasons and have not seen any roots growing into and/or through the particles.
Here’s an Acer Macrophyllum grown in 1:1:1 (pumice, scoria, DE) in a grow bag
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I have heard that akadama soil deposits have been found in other mountainous areas out west, not just Mt. Hood, however, once extrapolated as to the cost of mining, it would be unmarketable expensive anyway.
damn I was thinking about that calidama guy yesterday while reading this thread, couldn't remember what is was called! thanks!, poor kids wearing those cheap ass dust masks lolI dunno, if your're talking big mine, real equipment then most likely way too expensive. If you think small scale dirtbag style then maybe it could be done. You know, old tractor loader, pick up truck, DIY sifter of some kind... Never get rich, maybe make some money working very hard?
Might have to find it on private land to avoid expensive environmental assessments and red tape, maybe a small enough claim doesn't need all that. Something like what the Calidama guy has been doing perhaps?
I don't remember Ryan saying where he is getting his DE, does anyone have an idea? I was curious if he is using a different source, than Sorce.
Woah, dude....that's crazy!
Down To Earth
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It’s almost entirely free of fines and has a decent distribution of particle sizes all lesser than 1/2 inch. I’m not sure if this distributor still sells it, but I believe this is from the big DE mine in Nevada.
I would really like to see Akadama under an electron microscope. I don't have access to one anymore. Here is a pic of DE from EP's website. Small tubes but tubes...
OK, there are two facts here.Also I am a bit skeptical on the whole tubes with roots growing through them.