Shohin Crape--Freshly potted.


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I have grown this tree from seed. It is only about 5 years old and I have decided to put it in a bonsai pot again after letting it grow out for a couple years.

Let me know what you think!


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2 Years Ago

This is what the tree looked like about 2 yrs ago (maybe more I can't remember).

Quite an improvement I think.


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I agree that there is lots of development in only 2 years. Nice work. I have a hard time following the lines of the tree, especially the drop branch line.

Still very nice work on a difficult specie.

I love it! Has alot of good interest. Thanks for showing
Shows the importance of wiring. Without wiring you'd have a bunch of straight shoots. I like how the character continues to develop.

I have a hard time following the lines of the tree, especially the drop branch line.

Hi Martin,

Thank you for the compliment. It was difficult to capture the 3 dimensional twists and turns of the trunk line. Trust me when I say that it doesn't break any "rules" :)
I love it! Has alot of good interest. Thanks for showing

Shows the importance of wiring. Without wiring you'd have a bunch of straight shoots. I like how the character continues to develop.

Thanks Bonsainut and Tiberious!

I certainly couldn't have achieved what I did from the "clip and grow" method alone. Lots of wire has been on this little tree!

I'll be sure to post it again when it leafs out. My plan now is to develop the finer ramification of the branch structure.
Nice tree Steve. i am with you I like tha last pic best.
Uh Tony..... It's Ryan's tree. But it would be mine if he'd just send it to me. :rolleyes:
Very nice myrtle. Would love to see this in a formal photo after leaf.
NEW cascade branch.

I decided to add a new cascade branch. This was recently wired from this seasons new growth. It hasn't got any branching yet. But, the main branch line has been wired into place. I cut the leaves in half in hopes that the corresponding buds will pop and form the side branches I need. The old cascade branch is now a new side branch. This provides more depth.

Let me know what you think.


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More Photos and angles of the tree.


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Love the tree. I particularly like the choice of the pot. I appreciate the way the trunk line is carried down the glaze and appears to be an extension of the total visual composition. Who was the potter?


Thanks for noticing the connection between the lines in the tree and the pot. I specifically chose it for that reason. I could not have designed a better pot for this tree.

I got the pot from They make really great shohin (and other size) pots that are very reasonably priced.

Thanks Bonsainut and Tiberious!

I certainly couldn't have achieved what I did from the "clip and grow" method alone. Lots of wire has been on this little tree!

I'll be sure to post it again when it leafs out. My plan now is to develop the finer ramification of the branch structure.
Winter protection will be a must if ya want to keep the branch ramification...This small and those itty bitty branches die off...(Lost the whole right side of mine this year)
It has not escaped my attention that once again a florida dweller has mentioned: "this years new growth" Only 2/3 of my trees have broken bud yet. Can we tone it down on all the new growth crap?

Tree's looking great Ryan.
:-) My Crapes have about 6-8" new growth ;-) Not that it is good looking new growth but growing just the same.
Winter protection will be a must if ya want to keep the branch ramification...This small and those itty bitty branches die off...(Lost the whole right side of mine this year)


I'm sorry to hear about your tree. Dieback on myrtles has always been a mystery to me....

I seem to almost always lose the smallest branches of the ramification on my shohin crapes. That's ok though, they back bud so easily that those branches are replaced each season. But you are right, if you want to avoid branch die back it wouldn't hurt to protect them from freezing temps. Fortunately, it rarely gets that cold here.

It has not escaped my attention that once again a florida dweller has mentioned: "this years new growth" Only 2/3 of my trees have broken bud yet. Can we tone it down on all the new growth crap?

Tree's looking great Ryan.


Thanks for the compliment.
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