dirk hoorelbeke
They all look huge and healthy... Great head start after one year. Thanks for the info.
You done gone crazy, and I dig it!!! Grafting WTF can’t wait to see what happens.And if bending this early is crazy, here is some true insanity.
Good Plan. I found that the majority of JBP after year three were ready for grow boxes! They did outgrow the smaller colandars quickly which was why i shifted them to putting the colandar in the grow beds and managing the escaping roots for year two and year three, they were only in small pots 4inch for year one after root cutting.This year I repotted my 2017 pines. All of the ones in 5-6" colanders were massively overgrowing their pots at 2 years in, one to the extent that it seemed to be starting to show water stress. So this time I put some in the larger (9"?) colanders, will have to see if that ends up being overpotted. I do also have some in the smaller colanders and plan to up-pot a few of those in summer. My n-count might be too small to draw any conclusions but I'll do my best to keep track!
Trees are looking well cared for, good job. Pay no attention to the naysayers with respect to your Chinese potsMy pines are getting bigger and I'm now running out of space! Repurposed the top of my shade house to let a few spread out. These are 1-, 2- and 5-year seedlings. It's hard to tell some of the 2- and 5-year ones apart so hopefully I am improving horticulturally if not stylistically.![]()