You be the judge. Blue Pfitzer Juniper

Which line would you choose?

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The branch to the right where the black tape starts has an angle that's inconsistent with the rest of the branches. I'd try really hard to pull it down (probably using a guy-wire and coming back to it over time). Also, either wire the danglies or pluck them, particularly on the bottom branch. (Positioning them so they're flat or slightly pointing up will invigorate them.). Other than that, the tree looks like its going to be a nice one and you've done well with it. I wouldn't hesitate to keep the foliage it has.
Yup I do see that. Amazing what will pop out when you take a photo. I keep looking right past it. A guy wire sounds about right. I’ve got a question for you though, I’ve been intentionally letting those runners go a bit to regain vigor, but clearly the apically dominant trait in the tree is showing as not only are the runners longer, but back budding has been present. I’d like to induce more backbudding on the bottom right 3 branches and shorten the bottom right 2 branches. Would you recommend cutting back all of the runners in the apex, but not cutting and wiring up the runners in the lower right? Or would not cutting back those runners in the lower right not do anything to induce backbudding? Curious your thoughts.
My thoughts: You've done well with this tree and I haven't posted any junipers that I've styled to the forum that are nicer than this so why in the world do you want my opinion. (Well, there's one, but it didn't get much notice.) If you still want my opinion, I'd clean this tree a little better. Remove all the foliage that's growing downward, clean out crotch growth and growth w/in ½ -3/4" of a crotch. In particular, plucking the downward growing foliage will really clean up the lines of the tree. I'd leave the runners in place throughout the tree until it has backbudding (every)where you want it. It would probably be ok to reduce the top more than the bottom, but after you clean it out, there shouldn't be a lot of shading happening so that will help. If the relative vigor, not just backbudding, isn't completely out of whack though, I'd leave runners everywhere and just be patient for the backbudding to happen where it isn't YET.
I like the foliage on your blue pfitzer.
I have a magnificent trunk on one in the yard, but don’t know
that I’ll ever get it dug up. It’s gone terribly leggy, but full and happy.
I like the foliage on your blue pfitzer.
I have a magnificent trunk on one in the yard, but don’t know
that I’ll ever get it dug up. It’s gone terribly leggy, but full and happy.
A good chunk of this one was also awfully leggy. It seems to back bud pretty well though and I’m working on transforming the leggy to right and pushing back some long branches in particular bottom right hand side.
That is WORLDS better. I think you've found a good stopping point now.
Thanks. One thing I am tempted to do. Not this year but long term, is scrunch the entire tree down on itself by another inch or so. In particular the leader branch that is wrapped and wired. I think I could bring that whole section down and tighten up the image. Things to think about for awhile.
A good chunk of this one was also awfully leggy. It seems to back bud pretty well though and I’m working on transforming the leggy to right and pushing back some long branches in particular bottom right hand side.
This should read, “from leggy to TIGHT” 🤦🏼‍♂️ I make, fast thumbs, grammatical errors all the time on here!!!
Personally I’d leave it. With such a thin sinuous trunk I think it’s better to accentuate the length.
Yeah your probably right. When I stare at a picture of any of my trees for too long, I cant help but over think every aspect of it!! 😂
I like this trunk line as is. The foliage just needs to be tightened up in steps, or phases. The blue pfizer and other blue J. chinensis varieties (some are hybrids) most will tighten up just like shimpaku over time. I like the "blue" color of these varieties. I would not graft the with the 'Kishu' or 'Itoigawa' varieties because they are somewhat over used.
I like this trunk line as is. The foliage just needs to be tightened up in steps, or phases. The blue pfizer and other blue J. chinensis varieties (some are hybrids) most will tighten up just like shimpaku over time. I like the "blue" color of these varieties. I would not graft the with the 'Kishu' or 'Itoigawa' varieties because they are somewhat over used.
Thanks Leo. Yes i have already noticed sections of new foliage that has tightened up considerably, but its good to hear of your experience with the foliage. And the spots that are a bit lanky have begun back budding well. Over the next few seasons I will be trimming back the lanky stuff in favor of the tighter mature foliage. The color in particular is the biggest reason why I have no interest in grafting. Ive got a few other shimps that will satisfy that itch just fine! It’s nice to have variety in my juniper lineup.
Filling back out nicely. As noted in other posts this tree will be left untouched for the rest of this year and several months into the following growing season. I’m still not 100% certain how I’m going to handle that secondary trunk and it’s foliage. For now I’m just letting it back bud and tighten up. I still May be able to execute a secondary trunk, but it also may end up as another branch pad or even removed eventually.859ED919-5088-4912-ACD8-0F4E025C1049.jpeg
Bleep bloop. Chugging along. Ive got some plans for next year. A branch or two will probably be sacrificed to the Jin and Shari gods at some point. And the pads in general will need wiring out to fill in the image more. Especially where much of the upper trunk is seen around the apex. Also, can’t wait to get the dam raffia, tape and big wire off. Will try and sketch the idea tonight.
Yeah that branch/trunk is being left for now to eventually (possibly) become a secondary trunk. If you look at some of the original posts in the thread I talk about it a bit more. It’s laid out the way it is becaus I need it to fill in and back bud a bit more first. As is it looks a bit awkward and doesn’t fully fit in. Plus if I do end up using it as a secondary trunk I will need to remove the branch just above it.
Yeah that branch/trunk is being left for now to eventually (possibly) become a secondary trunk. If you look at some of the original posts in the thread I talk about it a bit more. It’s laid out the way it is becaus I need it to fill in and back bud a bit more first. As is it looks a bit awkward and doesn’t fully fit in. Plus if I do end up using it as a secondary trunk I will need to remove the branch just above it.
I see what its your vision and its totally right, but if it was my tree I rather lower a top branch to cover that space and jin the lower trunk-branch
I see what its your vision and its totally right, but if it was my tree I rather lower a top branch to cover that space and jin the lower trunk-branch
I feel that. I’m on the fence about it. I may still do that and just turn that secondary trunk into another small Jin feature
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