Hey all,
Picked up two yatsabusa's today with a plan of throwing them in a grow bed; ideally removing no, or as little foliage as possible.

Was fairly excited with what I'd managed to find; until I removed a little of the very weak/shaded out and dead foliage and there they were, perhaps unsurprisingly, the dreaded whorls.
I'm kicking myself a little as it was on my 'watch out for' list, I just simply couldn't dig deep enough at the time without pruning and they looked decent enough.
Anyway, I have a few questions which I'm hoping some of you can help me with, largely surrounding the question of - how big of an issue are the whorls going to be? Ideally, I wanted to throw them straight in the ground, removing as little foliage as possible but once I uncovered the whorls, I thought at that very least, I need to get rid of a branch or two from that intersection.
Following is the first tree, the foliage is lime-ish, some roots are exposed and the needles are a little smaller.
I thought the base looked decent, as did the taper (pre-whorl discovery). Plenty of options with where to go, the branch on the left could come down; but mainly i saw the branches to the right of the old cut giving me some good options to extend the trunk line upwards, or downwards and continue the taper.

The above shows roughly what I saw originally. I can't recall how much I'd removed by then but as we move down and I remove a little more foliage, the plot thickens.

And this next show probably shows the whorl in all it's tormenting glory, the best.

So that's the first tree, and the story of the second is largely the same.
I saw similar things to the first, possibility wise. Decent base, trunk, taper, movement and the option to work with the right hand side of the tree in where to go from there.

And here she is.

So now I've annoyed you all with a thousand photos - apologies.
Some questions.
1/ How big of an issue are the whorls and how detrimental are they to the outcome of the tree?
Should I and if I do remove some branches, leaving maybe one or two from the whorl, is it easy enough to out grow the whorl - essentially thicken the base enough in a reasonable period of time that the whorl is no longer an issue/the reverse taper is no longer?
2/ Well now i think about it, number 1 is my only real question. How best do I proceed? Give me your worst.
Also, should I cover those roots with some moss or soil?
Thanks in advance, everyone.
Also, feel free to give me any further advice or criticism you feel is relevant.
Picked up two yatsabusa's today with a plan of throwing them in a grow bed; ideally removing no, or as little foliage as possible.

Was fairly excited with what I'd managed to find; until I removed a little of the very weak/shaded out and dead foliage and there they were, perhaps unsurprisingly, the dreaded whorls.
I'm kicking myself a little as it was on my 'watch out for' list, I just simply couldn't dig deep enough at the time without pruning and they looked decent enough.
Anyway, I have a few questions which I'm hoping some of you can help me with, largely surrounding the question of - how big of an issue are the whorls going to be? Ideally, I wanted to throw them straight in the ground, removing as little foliage as possible but once I uncovered the whorls, I thought at that very least, I need to get rid of a branch or two from that intersection.
Following is the first tree, the foliage is lime-ish, some roots are exposed and the needles are a little smaller.
I thought the base looked decent, as did the taper (pre-whorl discovery). Plenty of options with where to go, the branch on the left could come down; but mainly i saw the branches to the right of the old cut giving me some good options to extend the trunk line upwards, or downwards and continue the taper.

The above shows roughly what I saw originally. I can't recall how much I'd removed by then but as we move down and I remove a little more foliage, the plot thickens.

And this next show probably shows the whorl in all it's tormenting glory, the best.

So that's the first tree, and the story of the second is largely the same.
I saw similar things to the first, possibility wise. Decent base, trunk, taper, movement and the option to work with the right hand side of the tree in where to go from there.

And here she is.

So now I've annoyed you all with a thousand photos - apologies.
Some questions.
1/ How big of an issue are the whorls and how detrimental are they to the outcome of the tree?
Should I and if I do remove some branches, leaving maybe one or two from the whorl, is it easy enough to out grow the whorl - essentially thicken the base enough in a reasonable period of time that the whorl is no longer an issue/the reverse taper is no longer?
2/ Well now i think about it, number 1 is my only real question. How best do I proceed? Give me your worst.
Also, should I cover those roots with some moss or soil?
Thanks in advance, everyone.
Also, feel free to give me any further advice or criticism you feel is relevant.