Ah, the first rain in 2 months.
25 drops.
Could this be the end of summer?
It sure could be! So today was the last round of fertilization. With temperatures decreasing so steadily and slowly (usually we should have had some freezing nights by now but that didn't happen), I think this country is going to skip fall and go directly into winter.

Planted close together, you can see them fighting to become the apex tree in this bush.
Planted not as close together, we see that process slowing down a little:
Decapitation, does it work?

Timing seems to be essential. Do it at the 6th or 7th set of juvenile needles, and there's a big chance your plants will backbud directly. Do it earlier, and you might end up with only a new apex.
The 'heads' can be replanted, the same was as people plant root-cuttings. This yields you 2 pines, instead of 1 pine and a trunk with roots that lands in the trash.
Individual pines are doing well. They are less stretched than the ones planted close together. This has a lot to do with gaseous signaling and proximity sensoring. If there's no other competition, they take it slow and wide. If there's a lot of competition, they go vertically in full force.

For reference: the black wire is 3mm.
Still waiting for adult foliage to show up and for buds to set. But judging from last years JRP, this could take until January.