Wires_Guy_Wires 6 year JBP thread

Oh I'm not worried at all. They are branching already, and in the seedling stage I found them to be very tolerate.
I left 40 seedlings alone. Which will serve as a back up.
It seems they still respond to gravity by growing upwards. Which means they are growing. Good for me.

Shallow and deep tray test.

All decapitated pines now have side branching. Growing stopped for about 2 weeks, and then continued as usual but from multiple points. Some of these seedlings have more than three branches.
I'm thinking this works just as well as making cuttings (even better: I have rooted the heads I pulled off of these pines, which means I got two for the price of 1. When you cut the stem, you have 1 or 0 for the price of 1)
Unless Wires, you luck out with the 2.5 cm needles and you
get to bypass the candle / needle pluck bit.
The next hope is as the shoots elongate to say 91 cm and the
trunk responds with 2.5 cm of diameter, all the other features
will hang back.

So you would be working on 1.25 cm - less than 15 cm tall mame's.

What you are really looking for is easy trunk thickening.
Good Day

The visual example - even older today, still slim of trunk
Some J.b.pines are harder of internal wood than others.

JBP 11.jpg
That's sound advice! Thanks!
I have this 2 year old red pine, grown in a shallow tray for the first year. After cutting the candles in spring, it's second flush is just those 2.5cm needles. Maybe 3cm.
It has a 3.5-4mm trunk diameter, and it's 8cm tall.
Now that it has 5 or something backbuds, on the trunk, it's allowed to grow out for trunk thickening.

I was thinking to follow that approach for my jbp as well: start refining in the earliest stages so that there's enough to work with later on. Maybe it's the wrong order, maybe it works. We will see how it turns out!

This is just my second year of pine growing, and I have some scots in various stages of development, going with various techniques (sacrifice branches, needle plucking, rebalancing, candle or shoot cutting) trying to get the hang of pines in general.
This competition to me is more or less a practical learning cycle; finding out what works best.
So, we're 60mm short of the usual 78mm of rain.
Ground growing pines? What ground? All that's left is dust, and more dust. The pines in the ground have been reduced to dust. I am not going to waste 20 minutes of my time every single day to ride my bicycle to water some plants I have plenty of. Bonsai takes dedication, sure, but I'm already spending those 20 minutes watering the ones in the backyard.

But winter is coming. A 12 degrees C drop in temperature today.
I will need to figure out a winter plan. Do I really? Nah. My plan is just as with the JRP last year: shelter them from the harshest winds and let them have it. They will spend a lifetime in this climate, I wouldn't want the weakest to survive and die a few years later because they weren't hardy after all.
But I do need a winter plan for myself.. Need to keep busy.
It seems they still respond to gravity by growing upwards. Which means they are growing. Good for me.

Many time the basic is not present and mind create potential vision. This is the cultivation we are looking for. Shaping can only come through careful planing, creating vision. Tree present challenge and thinking independent, making you the dependent variable, shaping ideas with tree harmony s most important at this time. Hai

I making some coast pine seedling yamadori from friend mountain yard. Natures vision was the beginning, for me the vision makes clear as time come from my planing, not tree alone anymore. Influence change future much same as the day. Hai

Nebari independent of soils, most important is careful growing, time make for nebari. Hai Pot is ok for grow nebari. Hai

Thank you for sharing Hai Enjoying your vision, he is growing fast from wire I think., Hai Thank you.
The trees take my wishes very seriously. They design themselves for now, after I cut off their heads. 5 branches. This is the maximum the tree could achieve with this method.
Usually, it's closer to two or three, sometimes one branch.

Rooting test: do JBP root from the trunk if they are buried. Like other plants do?

Too much water?
Just so you know the best way to get rid of snails is beer. A small bowl of beer strategically placed. They go in......get wasted.......drown in beer....
Not a bad way to go.....
Works for snails too.
Just so you know the best way to get rid of snails is beer. A small bowl of beer strategically placed. They go in......get wasted.......drown in beer....
Not a bad way to go.....
Works for snails too.
Sounds like the best escargot ever!
I have made escargot en biere a few times. Get a good butter, preferably with herbs, boil in a dark beer until they come out of their shell.
Reduced white or red wine is even better.
Just make sure you starve the snails for a few days before you cook them. Otherwise you'll have poopsoup.

Not that delicious though. The texture is rubber, all rubber.

I have used beer cans as a snail trap, but they filled up so fast that it started to smell real bad pretty soon.
"Vechten tegen de bierkaag" in Dutch.
Ah, the first rain in 2 months.
25 drops.
Could this be the end of summer?
It sure could be! So today was the last round of fertilization. With temperatures decreasing so steadily and slowly (usually we should have had some freezing nights by now but that didn't happen), I think this country is going to skip fall and go directly into winter.
Planted close together, you can see them fighting to become the apex tree in this bush.

Planted not as close together, we see that process slowing down a little:

Decapitation, does it work?

Timing seems to be essential. Do it at the 6th or 7th set of juvenile needles, and there's a big chance your plants will backbud directly. Do it earlier, and you might end up with only a new apex.
The 'heads' can be replanted, the same was as people plant root-cuttings. This yields you 2 pines, instead of 1 pine and a trunk with roots that lands in the trash.

Individual pines are doing well. They are less stretched than the ones planted close together. This has a lot to do with gaseous signaling and proximity sensoring. If there's no other competition, they take it slow and wide. If there's a lot of competition, they go vertically in full force.
For reference: the black wire is 3mm.

Still waiting for adult foliage to show up and for buds to set. But judging from last years JRP, this could take until January.
Ah, the first rain in 2 months.
25 drops.
Could this be the end of summer?
It sure could be! So today was the last round of fertilization. With temperatures decreasing so steadily and slowly (usually we should have had some freezing nights by now but that didn't happen), I think this country is going to skip fall and go directly into winter.

If you do the Danku then the problem with your tree is better. Hai I see many like you making same mistake. Hai
My son he say the SOAKING in the organic is meaning. Hai If doing he lifting. Hai I do approximately 3-4 time a month. 5-5-5 If very hot summer some 2-3 time in week. 2-2-1 He keeping lifted in this way, much like moon. Thank you.
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