Neagari Gal
The new how the veining twists.
Big bends in the future?
Agreed. . .I still like about a shot of 4 turned a bit (maybe 20 degrees) to the right (between 4 & 1)? Might show better base and the part of 4 that I like.
Maybe- lets pick a front based on the trunk and nebari then we'll get to the top.
4 is good but what is not apparent in the photo is that there is some rot at the soil line which makes the tree look unstable so I decided to go with 2. As Darlene mentioned I really like the twisting of the live and dead veins. Here is the whole tree after some heavy bending and wiring. A couple of years for the foliage to fill in and it should be a decent tree.
Thanks Judy. You could always visit L.A. and come get a up close and personal look.Very nice Bob, it has a lot of character, which you have brought out. The long hanging branch on the left obscures part of the trunk that my eyes want to see...