Whats Going on in Smoke's Backyard?

For the last two weekends its been bonsai. Either meetings, workshops or study groups. So, today I took my bride to the snow. She wanted to see some trees covered with snow. We drove as far as we could without chains since I don't have any for this car.
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I'm sorry. I mashed the button on the wrong file.

Here ya go.

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So...I get home all inspired and look whats up on the turntable to work on for the next several weeks...

Warmed up on the wire now, so time to get busy....bout 14 inches tall and 2 inch trunk.

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Maybe some shari?
The time has come. The Jim Barett pot I had this tree in has done it's job. Planting the tree in the pot with no soil on the bottom and tying it in tight has made the trunk flare and rootage improve.

First I have to remove the squirrel guard! Oh Oh and the Christmas balls.

The roots only grow on the bottom of the pot. It is here that they push against the wires and flare the trunk. Notice that the roots do not circle. It is just too tight for that.

It is also very thin.

Cut the donut off.

Clean the top and were almost ready.

The pile on the right is all the soil that was in the pot. There is some in the roots but not much.
The new pot is one inch shorter in length but one inch taller in height. Now I can get the tree seated into the pot at the proper height and expose more of the base of the tree. This soil blend has more 1/8 lava and more wood. Fine orchid bark about 3/8 in size. The finer soil will help with ramification now.

The pot is a Chinese cerulean blue bag pot. I like this color as in fall it should be really nice.

I dumped this soil back in the mixer and re blended it as to what I called out above. This is the coarse soil.

This is after blending it with finer texture.

Watering the tree in.
Remember those damn elm root cutting I did? The ones with the crazy exposed roots? Well they got pots today too.

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I don't know this one reminds me of when Ripley gets inside that suit in the movie Alien!
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A lot of the small stuff I potted yesterday was shohin/mame size stuff. I don't have a lot of room left for plants on the shohin arbor. Have to start thinking about what I can build in the yard for the second display of small trees. I see one hole to fill, but looks to be some room if I move a few things.
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