Ok. For
OK. I don’t know the Mugo methods, but they do seem to differ very much from treatment you would give to white pines and many other pines (especially long needle). Because the reasons for each of those actions are different it’s important to make those differences clear regardless whether you call it decandling or not.
I wouldn’t normally care about vocabulary, however, using unique vocabulary for a particular strategy is one way to make the distinction clear. I think this is why even pros still call it “decandling” when technically that term is inaccurate, but it has such a strong association with the very particular multi-flush strategy.
It's actually the opposite.
We cut a "quarter inch" into old growth following the Vance Mugo method.
And leave a "quarter inch" of new growth on JBP.
That's the half inch, which is only different as it is.
The difference is, with JBP we aren't stimulating new growth as much as we are limiting the distance from where the second flush can grow.
With Single flush pines, we ARE trying to stimulate backbudding, which is why we cut back into old wood. For a stronger response.
OK. I don’t know the Mugo methods, but they do seem to differ very much from treatment you would give to white pines and many other pines (especially long needle). Because the reasons for each of those actions are different it’s important to make those differences clear regardless whether you call it decandling or not.
I wouldn’t normally care about vocabulary, however, using unique vocabulary for a particular strategy is one way to make the distinction clear. I think this is why even pros still call it “decandling” when technically that term is inaccurate, but it has such a strong association with the very particular multi-flush strategy.