What is the longest time you have spent looking at a nursery specimen before buying it?

Bonsai specimen not yard grade nursery stock...I'm presuming. I've no bonsai nurseries near me. But when a tree speaks to me. I typically don't wait long for fear someone will see the tree on their bench first. The longest though...would be the Thuja planting. Was afraid of the shipping price. When...in actuality. It was relatively far cheaper than I expected. It was the only thing holding me back. I set a deadline...if it was still there...then I would call on it. I'm glad no one else took the plunge. My husband's favorite on my bench at this time. And one most visitors comment on. Size Measures 27’’ wide by 28’’ high. Great center focal point for my bench. Time frame...I think it was a couple months. May have been less. I forget actually now. But it was my longest pondering of purchase to date.

So far a couple hours back & forth. Ryan has tree much admired couple years so far;).
Man all of t
Yes, both are Rocky Mountain Junipers.

Top was collected by Sam Miller out of Utah.

Bottom was collected by Randy Knight out of Portland.

Both offer their challenges.

Hopefully by early spring 2018 I can style the Sam Miller collected Juniper.

The bottom one is at least 2 years out from me doing anything besides fertilizer, water, and treatment for fungus or insects.
Man all of these names. It seem there are quite a few 'senseis' over in the states :) will have to find out more about the stuff. Does each guy have his own style or is it more about the fame of his nursery I wonder?
I never spend much more than a minute before I either buy it or walk away. I rely more on the impression it makes. If I cannot get it out of my mind, I'll go back a week or so later and see if it measures up to my 'recollections' and imaginings. If so, I buy it. Else, I take a look for what they've got that I haven't seen before and start the whole obsessive process over again!
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