What tree have you kept for the longest amount of time ?

I am VERY neglectful about photography. Here is a bad photo from 2019. The tree is undergoing a redesign and looks rather different now.
Wow! That looks like it could be an amazing tree under there. I Would love to see new pics whenever you get a chance!👍
I've moved among six climate zones over the past 20 years. Not surprising then that my longest is a ficus that could handle the moves inside when necessary. My oldest is from 2000. I'll see if I can get a pic up later.
Funny you say that. My oldest and second oldest are tropical and sub tropical. Ficus and a Bougie. I’ve also moved multiple times in the last 3 years alone.
I hardly want to jinx myself… so ill stay out of this one.
I’ll echo some comments of some other people who have moved a lot that has made it challenging.
Shimpaku I've had since 1991. I ordered it from Brussel Bonsai as a '5-6 year old whip'. It's been in a pot the whole time. I had left the tree with my parents when I moved, and sadly all the trees that went with me were lost in a house fire. At least this one survived! The trunk is a bit small for its age because I pinched it too much for the first 20 years.
I’ve had this tree since about 2014 or so. Major initial flaws and a major dieback from drying out this summer have me completely rebuilding. Long term though it’ll just be better.
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but it looks like this now and should improve vastly by next summer
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Did the major dieback include the branches that are missing, or was that a design choice? Not to be an ass, but I liked it better before, big bougie fan.
Did the major dieback include the branches that are missing, or was that a design choice? Not to be an ass, but I liked it better before, big bougie fan.
Both. one of the main branches from the original design Completely died back. If i had left the others it would have just been awkward. Not an ass comment at all, it did look better before. But this tree also looked crappy in 2014/15 as well!! With more growth over the next few years It will def be back to its glory in a far more appealing form if you ask me, with far fewer rookie flaws, but well see! Here’s its thread if you want to see my thoughts through the changes.

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