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Inspectined my trees after being on vacation.
Almost got a good picture, then it was too late to do anything about it. Maybe tomorrow.
It was too dark to tell in the viewfinder.

...and posted a bunch of pics of some really cool, old Japanese maples and tombstones post 6755-6762
Well...I thought I had taken a picture of what I did a few days ago. Apparently not. So yall get some slightly random bonsai related pictures I had also taken.

On October 14th, I finally got to potting some of my collected saplings from my duplex when I did the big move late last month. They sat in a 5gal bucket of "dirty" water or damp cloths wrapping the roots. Surprisingly my Douglas firs (I believe) that ended being barerooted getting pulled off a weed barrier covered in mulch started growing roots inside of the damp cloth. Given my prior experience, I just expected them to throw a fit and shut down until late winter. I still have a garbage bag full of Black Mondu Grass that I need to put into pots and all of my onions that I pulled up.

Today before work, I started moving my tropicals indoors as our daytime tempatures have stopped going over 60s. Night time tempatures are in the low 40s now and we got a freeze watch occurring for the next couple of days. I left them outside longer then I'd really like to, but being busy with getting my house sorted put it off until last minute. The only tropicals pouting are my monkeypods followed by my boababs that are just now being affected by the cold temperatures. I plan on bring the rest of my tropicals in tonight and get the grow shelves/tents set-up somewhere in the house until I can figure out where I actually want them.


Anyways, here are my random images taken a couple days ago. I was trying to identify these volunteers that grew in my seed trays. Seems like a native berry shrub, but I'll know more once they grow some more.
It’s been a busy few months between finishing up the greenhouse and trying to complete all of the fall work. Was able to squeeze a few hours in tonight to shoot a few trees including one of the Colorado Spruces I just finished styling.

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