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Completely unwired a large one seed Juniper and ponderosa pine for initial styling next week(pictures once it’s all done) and sorting out the logistics of this monster of a Juniper. Bjorn had just finished cleaning her up but moving the 7’ tall(while on a pallet) required quite a bit of logistical planning since the road to his nursery doesn’t accommodate a semi 😂

Keep an eye out for an upcoming YouTube video on Eisei-En’s channel featuring the tree!

Cleaning up, reducing threes and fours to twos, and a first structural wiring of this mugo pine.
It was wired before in what I call "agricultural" or "octopus" style :D , meaning all the branches are wired out toward light without caring much about anything else.

The tree has been with me for over four years, and it was originally a regular nursery stock.




The plan is to grow the lower right part a little (or a lot) more, to get better asymmetry, and reduce the main jin, which is used as the anchor point for multiple guy wires at the moment.
Cleaning up, reducing threes and fours to twos, and a first structural wiring of this mugo pine.
It was wired before in what I call "agricultural" or "octopus" style :D , meaning all the branches are wired out toward light without caring much about anything else.

The tree has been with me for over four years, and it was originally a regular nursery stock.

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The plan is to grow the lower right part a little (or a lot) more, to get better asymmetry, and reduce the main jin, which is used as the anchor point for multiple guy wires at the moment.
Looking good
Completely unwired a large one seed Juniper and ponderosa pine for initial styling next week(pictures once it’s all done) and sorting out the logistics of this monster of a Juniper. Bjorn had just finished cleaning her up but moving the 7’ tall(while on a pallet) required quite a bit of logistical planning since the road to his nursery doesn’t accommodate a semi 😂

Keep an eye out for an upcoming YouTube video on Eisei-En’s channel featuring the tree!

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Nice work @Ruddigger
Removed 1,436 needles from this poorly grafted banshosho (not official count)
It's not ready for Fall work yet and has never been worked on except to remove a couple branches and wire the upper trunk and canopy out of the way. Lots to do. I think it's grafted to Scots pine, causing reverse taper.
Completely unwired a large one seed Juniper and ponderosa pine for initial styling next week(pictures once it’s all done) and sorting out the logistics of this monster of a Juniper. Bjorn had just finished cleaning her up but moving the 7’ tall(while on a pallet) required quite a bit of logistical planning since the road to his nursery doesn’t accommodate a semi 😂

Keep an eye out for an upcoming YouTube video on Eisei-En’s channel featuring the tree!

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Honored to have worked on that tree many times. Here it is after my intensive course way back in 2018. (I’m pictured bottom left)


Take good care of it, it’s a special tree to many of us ;)
Nice work @Ruddigger
Removed 1,436 needles from this poorly grafted banshosho (not official count)
It's not ready for Fall work yet and has never been worked on except to remove a couple branches and wire the upper trunk and canopy out of the way. Lots to do. I think it's grafted to Scots pine, causing reverse taper.
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Just a thought. I have a Parsons juniper with the same problem. I found a piece of suitable driftwood, carved and fitted it to the bottom 3-4" of the trunk to make a tanuki-ish false flared trunk. I added a little wood putty to fill the small gap and spashed on a bit of ground charcoal/ water mixture. Nobody seems to have noticed it yet.
Picked a front and did some structural wiring on my new chojubai. Hoping that this wiring sets the bones and I’ll be able to “clip n’ grow” from here on out.

Wasn’t ready to photo this…
Without flash

…with flash


This work got me really excited for spring repot. This will be moving to a Sara Rayner round


… and I think I will use the current quirky little container for a little forest or group planting.

Today I decided to go and start this new project with a proper analysis and drawings.
No action done other than cleaning the deadwood amd choosing the face.
Branches placement should be done before winter.

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