My 2025 Bonsai Goals for the growing season are to build a grow bed for saplings and figure out my "limit" for working on seedlings so as to not overwhelm myself in the future.
I am looking to improve the "pre-bonsai" quality of my young stock. Additionally, I am looking to improve my analysis over branches and their future growth potential. Taking the leap of faith to cut old boring branches.
The steps that I am taking to further the goals are doing landscape planning for a retaining wall and grow bed locations. As for the limit of work, I am keeping a conscious tally of how much saplings I can work through as well as the amount of supplies it takes to work the saplings to better gage the amount of effort it takes in total. As for the things to improve on, I am taking classes with John Eads to reinforce my learning on how to develop pre-bonsai from seeds and paying attention to how the things I do early on effect the tree the next year and beyond. The old boring branches, I am actively working on quelling my anxiety over "wasting" years of growth in order to have a better tree for the future. If I am currently happy with how a branch looks, I probably won't be happy with it years down the line.
My one milestone is to complete building a garden space. Once I have done that, I will just be continuing my education with class.