Cosmic Bonsai/Laurent Darrieux to be in the USA...2025

So sorry. Maybe it didn't fall flat for everyone else. Go play with your acton figures and amuse yourself. are being an @ss. You seek attention...and I'm done with you. Enjoy your last crumb from me. As in I don't tend to feed trolls. You now...go to my ignore list. 😉
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Reactions: JoB are being an @ss. You seek attention...and I'm done with you. Enjoy your last crumb from me. As in I don't tend to feed trolls. You now...go to my ignore list. 😉
I wasn't trolling you. I was responding to your snarky comment directed at me. Please put me on your ignore list. Works for me. I am here to learn and share about bonsai, not participate in controversy. There is enough of that out in the rest of world.
I think that the cosmic form lends a lot of possibility to accents outside the normal realm of accent display.

The figures are just that... accents meant to accompany and lend a complete image. If you remove them, the "tree" says something different, just as a different element in a traditional display would change the overall meaning and impression.

Its fine to critique a particular element as kitsch, but to levy that criticism against the overall style is regressive.

If laurent was coming to my area, Id be sure to try and attend and pick his brain both on the horticultural technique side of the cosmic bonsai style, as well as the philosophical/aesthetic side. I get the impression he is seeking the next step: symmetry-->asymmetry-->cosmic(?).

Lovecraft was all about "indescribable angles and dimension." What better artform to explore than that of bonsai?
All true from a historical perspective. I don't fear "having to expand one's aesthetic sensibilities ", but I do value harmony above all, in life and bonsai composition.

There is harmony in disharmony, just not the type/prevelence of harmony you expect or seek. There are no opposites in the components that make up aesethic, just differing saturations of elements.
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Take my responses always with a grain of salt. I'm not a professional nor do I even have any show quality trees currently. I am however, like all of us, a student.

Bonsai is an expression of nature. Our artistic inclinations and our ego are entwined deeply in the work we perform on our trees - and must be minimally visible in the "finished" product.

I agree it is often considered "highbrow". Mostly attributed to the cost of doing it correctly. Juxtaposition and shock value work in most forms of artistic expression; in the case of bonsai however we are working with nature to nurture the greatest expression of natural beauty.

Adding elements that are unquestionably artificial to the image is I feel inherently against not just the the art form, but nature itself.

"Nature transcends what we can imagine" Henry David Thoreau
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