What’s your latest Bonsai related purchase?

Changed out the soil today and found this in all three. They put so much energy into the roots early on, the tap root is easily twice the mass of the above ground trunk.

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My experience as well. I have 4 small seedlings (this is their 2nd season) that I moved into small 4" Rootpouch bags. Will be moving into 1 gal bags this year, crossing my fingers that the bag helped with the issue of the thick tap root. I also have 2 pre-bonsai that I bought, those will probably be like the one you posted above as they have been grown in a container.

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My dad kept pushing me past two years to keep going with bonsai as i talked with him at some point to sell my collection and be done with it.
but because he knew how passionate i was about the hobby before i had some rough times in real life wich made me have less time but also no motivation to keep going he kept saying it would be a waste to just give up on it...
now looking back im glad i for one time i listnen to the old man haha

the other day i was scrolling trough facebook i was looking at this tree for sale when he was at my house so he said ask if its still avalible and that he would buy it for me as chrismass present !
sadly the tree i saw was already sold but the seller came back to me the next day that he still had some others for sale of similar size and age all grown in his growing field.
after he send some pictures i picked this one and he send it my way trough the mail !
i already think i know what i want to do with this but there is time to review all the options and decide next season and go with that
i think i will airlayer the top half off because i think i can airlayer two trees from the top and grow those out in my garden and then use the bottom part to create a broom style tree.
for now its burlapped outside and i will pot it up tomorrow in a pot with my soil mix i sneak peaked inside and the nebari looks decent its already flat because he grew it with the purpose of bonsai and he did some rootwork allong the way to make sure it would fit in a pot when the time was right :)

My dad kept pushing me past two years to keep going with bonsai as i talked with him at some point to sell my collection and be done with it.
but because he knew how passionate i was about the hobby before i had some rough times in real life wich made me have less time but also no motivation to keep going he kept saying it would be a waste to just give up on it...
now looking back im glad i for one time i listnen to the old man haha

the other day i was scrolling trough facebook i was looking at this tree for sale when he was at my house so he said ask if its still avalible and that he would buy it for me as chrismass present !
sadly the tree i saw was already sold but the seller came back to me the next day that he still had some others for sale of similar size and age all grown in his growing field.
after he send some pictures i picked this one and he send it my way trough the mail !
i already think i know what i want to do with this but there is time to review all the options and decide next season and go with that
i think i will airlayer the top half off because i think i can airlayer two trees from the top and grow those out in my garden and then use the bottom part to create a broom style tree.
for now its burlapped outside and i will pot it up tomorrow in a pot with my soil mix i sneak peaked inside and the nebari looks decent its already flat because he grew it with the purpose of bonsai and he did some rootwork allong the way to make sure it would fit in a pot when the time was right :)

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I'm glad you listened to your Dad.
I bought a new soccer ball for the mail office, it seems..


And you know what these bxes are made for..
My bonsai stand for my Literati Mume, which I had hoped to put in a show this winter. (Unfortunately, the branches from this year can back up when I unwired this week, so next year it will be submitted for a show instead)
I just opened this box although it arrived more than a week ago. (I've been baking as though I'm on The Great British Baking Show!) A great deal for $100 for Adams-Kinney copper wire from Blaack River Bonsai. Sizes #8-18.


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I found a #5 deodar cedar at the Home Depot mislabeled as a picea abies and on 50% markdown. I’ll take a $20 deodar all day long
I got one too!
Same thing labeled picea abies for 20 bucks.
That's what I though it was. Glad you arrived at the same conclusion. :)


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