Weta's Pots

Nice! Do you have a plan for where you want to take the tree stylistically once you do start working it?
Nice! Do you have a plan for where you want to take the tree stylistically once you do start working it?
Its had a trunk chop couple of years ago and bent leader up, I was thinking semi upright with a little deadwood over the pool, or twisted as giving hints of a hard existence.
Only got a couple of these and learning as I go on how to trim etc.
At this stage I'll be happy if it survives this first repot.
Had this chunk of bark for a while, thinking it might be good material for a unique pot.
Nifty! What kind of paint are you using on the concrete?
I've been using a paint called Pavemax, locally made footpath paint, for thermal pool colours I used basic house paint from $5 test pots and sealed using a clear top coat.
Bitumen used for anywhere that holds soil.
When does the sale start? :)
Being mostly concrete pots I don't think I'll be getting any international orders, while the NZ dollar is low shipping to and from is a killer.
Been thinking might refine terrace pot design and making up a few for a market or such, help cover my materials and tools.
With the bark pot I've started making a fibreglass sleeve for extra strength plus another water barrier.
Its a love hate relationship working with the stuff.
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