Weta's Pots

Was this one made with a mesh and semi liquid concrete? Do you mind sharing your mix proportions?
Please note I'm no professional and can't recommend any of my methods.
No steel mesh in that one, I can't remember if I added a layer of fibreglass.
Made using a newspaper ball with left over motar mix while working on another pot.
I don't messure out I just add water till I get the texture needed with the mindset more water equals less strength.
See the cavity from this attempt with a ball of newspaper on top of a tin, this one has fibreglass, will add more shape and texture later.
A rock column inspired piece perhaps? Such as this cliffside near where I'm located
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I've really been enjoying watching your takes on natural landscape inspired containers. Cheers!
Yes, The Giants Causeway, inspired by BrightsideB's angled designs I turned to nature. Hopefully it turns out ok. Screenshot_20240129_094454_com.duckduckgo.mobile.android_edit_379375718936899.jpg
Am I the only one who's not 100% sure what's going on? (wouldn't be the first time) Pretty sure Kate & Brightside know. I'm patient and watching to see where this goes. :)
Pot design stage, seeing how thin of a pillar I could get away with using concrete, to thick would loose space for the layering , look chunky and add weight.
Might put steel into the base but wanted pillars rust free.
Also I got a buzz from lining up the first few ✌️
Slowly getting there day by day.
I'm liking the concept but should of really made fibreglass molds, il finish this one as a tester of procedures scale and strength and look into refining.
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Can’t wait to see this finished! Love how you get the inspiration from nature!
Finally got some acetone for fibreglass clean up so I started making the drainage pipes for the bark pot insert.
Decided on a plastic straw as a form, used a pencil as a core so I could throw in the drill press to sand, second layer of resin done. IMG_20240412_110753_edit_108920368722440.jpgIMG_20240412_123009.jpgIMG_20240412_122610.jpg
Brings me back to my days of working on Yellowstone, I can smell the sulphur from here! I like the size contrast of the feature to the planting area, gives the impression of one of the massive thermal features like grand prismatic. Super cool! Would love to see how it looks filled with water
Sorry for the old post reply- were you with the NPS?
Sorry for the old post reply- were you with the NPS?
Nah, nps outsources all the concessions to big resort companies, in my case xanterra (xanterrible as the employees lovingly called it). That way, us measly service workers in the park could be paid far less than the federal workers 😂
Working out scale this morning.
I'm thinking 600mm by 400mm with the rim being around 80mm thick.
Its gonna take ages to cast all the pillars but I feel the width is important.
Still chipping away at Giants Causeway pot, (note moss in one segment).
Started making plans for a fibreglass terrace pot mold so I can pump out multiple pots.
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