Very large bonsai pot


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Plano, Texas
Does anyone know where to get large pots online? I'm looking for a drum that's about 19x8 inches.
Think you'll have a hard time finding something that deep and only 19" wide. Are you looking for a training pot (think mica or Anderson flat), or something closer to finished? Also, does it have to be that deep? When I needed a bigger training pot, Brussel drove me around to their lot and I was able to get the right size of mica pot, and recall seeing some mica drum pots, but you'll probably have to decide among qualities: does it have to be specifically that depth, width, or style? Then call Brussels and ask them to check for you. The monastery used to have mica pots at good prices, just checked and they're no longer on their website. Might be worth a call anyway, they had some larger ovals as recently as last winter.
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I have a 40 inch tall bald cypress with a 10 inch base above ground I'm working on. The below ground roots I cut back to about 18 inches wide. The depth was a guess plus a few inches. I will need to do some more reductions. This pot is a few years away. I just like to plan ahead. Thanks for the info.
try some of the pot makers that post here eg. pjkatich,Taiko-Earth. Their work is amazing with different styles. i've seen both of their work, and can vouch for the quality, workmanship, and artistry. you'll get a pot with much more character than the "usual suspects", and custom designed for you and tree. i've dabbled in pottery and making a large pot is not cheap nor easy. while i am a big fan of traditional style, tokoname pottery. A bald cypress would be better served in more modern style pot.
you might well need to seek a professional potter or consider a larger pot.... that small and that deep is hard to find together.....

I have one in the garage that is much wider and about 5" deep and its a heck of a pot .... you may have trouble however finding anyone with access to a kiln large enough to fire one of these.... if you need some growing time a wooden box may be your best bet....
If you're still developing the tree, you don't need a pottery pot. I suggest a large mica pot. Try
There are several mica pots on bonsai mart website, they aren't all that cheap but some are pretty deep here is a link to that page.

If you are looking for a ceramic pot, then I would also suggest that you have one custom made for the tree. Ron Lang has capability to make very large pots, and I'm sure there are others as well.
Custom made is the way to go. I've commissioned larger pots, including a 24" wide 3" deep drum from Bryan Albright for a large cedar elm. It was not cheap, but much less expensive than a Japanese import of the same size.

Ron Lang is arguably the best potter for larger bonsai pots. I've bought a pretty wide variety of pots from him, including commissioned stuff. I've been to his kiln and have seen some of the massive stunning containers he has made for other customers. When I was up at a kiln opening in October, I saw a huge almost three-foot wide round he made for a customer's banyan ficus. He is more than willing to work with you on design and is very innovative in designs and glazes without moving away from a traditional sense of what bonsai pots should be. Can't recommend him highly enough...

Here's a pic of my BC in a 24" Lang oval...
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Ron's wood fired pottery is just SEXY. Wood fired has so much character over electric or gas fired!!!!!!
I've always loved Ron's stuff as well .... lets not forget Dale's stuff as well.... He's done a few pots this large iirc....
I'll put in another plug for Ron Lang as well - amazing pots, and he and his wife are really nice people as well.
I agree, let's not forget Dale Cochoy. He also makes some great larger pots. I've got a wisteria in a 15" deep round made by him. Nice pot.
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