I have also been using all fulvic acid powder for the water too……this gives the opportunity to lower the total NPK portion of your nutrient.
Especially in the stonewool I grow in now the NPK or total ec of my nutrient can be kept no stronger than .6 or .7 the entire grow.
Currently for the zelkova crop it will not exceed .5 the entire grow and after the ringbarking procedure I am going to lower it even more around .2 or 3 and have the seaweed and other bio stimulants available…amino acids for calcium uptake,fulvic,kelp……along with vitamin B magnesium suppliment and weekly foliar.
This will regulate growth on zelkova bigtime.
** humic and fulvic are natural chelators( they hold onto plant ions for transport into plant cells.Fulvic is a lighter molecular weight and will carry another plant ion into a plant cell in as little as 4 hours…..great with kelp foliar and as I stated for the root zone also( beware to lower the salts significantly though or you will have too much salt uptake…resembling an fruiting type hardening autumn type vegetable phase….I do not believe trees need this.I prefer more water and less salt for better transpiration………dosing high salt in Autumn to promote terpines and oils and such and intentionally restricting water by increasing salts is a harvest vegetable thing in my opinion……not a tree thing.
So…..I have been using all fulvic acid in the media nutrient for the past two years……..Trying to replicate the ‘full genetic potential aspect’ of trees growing in basic earth across the land.
Extrememly low salt and lots and lots of bio-stimulants!!
Slower growth and less nitrogen assimilation…nitrogen assimilation can deplete 30% of the trees photosynthetic energy store……will give a very fast,but a more suseptible and weaker type of growth with larger and thinner cell walls with less naturally producing nutrient mechanisms that would occur in a more controlled or roots first growth…..where suger in the leaves and plant becomes a level of surplus…..this is called brix content!
A brix content of 12% or higher and many insects are scientifically proven not to be attracted to the plants leaves for food!
Also roots will act more natural and produce food for micro-organisms that feed off of root exudates and actually produce their own NPK right at the root level and also natural rooting hormones too…..ROOTS FIRST!
The amino acids L glycine & L glutamate ( available in a certain tech grade product will increase calcium uptake by 1000 times by creating root ion channels and not relying on the usual one ion at a time proces of calcium uptake by hydrolic water transpiration withing the plant.
I know I sound like I am tryin to sell something here,but it is the instruction I learned by studying Dutch Hydroponics classes and I have seen the results of calcium uptake increased
1000 x.
Extemely high brix with no need whatsoever of chemical fungicide.
So anyways …….humic acid is a larger molecular weight and is fantastic for nutrient as it adds mineral to pure water like rain and ro water…..and a chelator as well holding mineral ions at the root level…….there is also a percentage of fulvic acid in the humic acid to get the very high cellular absorption effect of fulvic acid……it can be used for foliar too,but in extremely low amount like 1/64th tsp or so in a pure water makes a great leaf rinse…..for daily hydration and rinsing of leaves in a pure water.