Source for Humic/Fulvic acid

I would be EXTREMELY careful in adding stuff from surrounding soil--especially humus--to bonsai soil.

Forest soil and the like can contain extremely bad stuff, from armallaria fungus

Verticillium wilt:

Root nematodes can also be a problem (I've learned the hard way that Korean Hornbeam is susceptible to these critters who arrived in collected soil, apparently):
Its not "stuff".......its an organic additive that I believe has benefits.

I understand and I am careful in this regard but Hemlocks in general live in forests with thick forest floors and our results speak for themselves as far as being healthy.... its all about balance.

.....and about armillaria, being a forester I know all about it but it doesn't occur in the high elevations where we collect our Hm.

Cheers G
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Yeah, but the folks reading here aren't all from the PNW. There are many soil borne pathogens that are spreading rapidly in the Mid West and East. In the Blue Ridge mountains, the native dogwood tree has been decimated by an Anthracnose infection that apparently came in with Asian dogwoods, for instance.

Verticilium is also not uncommon in nurseries around here, so I suspect it's also present in surrounding woodlands.

I've lost a nice Korean Hornbeam to nematodes that came in local soil...

It may be all about balance, but caution is needed. Some folks take the "it's from nature, what harm could it do" ideal to heart, not considering the downside.
Sigh . . . Just saw this thread. I have a bridge or two I'd like to sell to everyone who looks for some sort of a miracle substance to add to their soil . . .
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