Twin trunk -yes or no

Nice tree & nice pot...but for me they don't work together. I know you think of this one as a literati but I think there is too much foliage mass....

Twin trunk or not...who really cares...its a nice tree.

You could always split the dead down the middle to make it a more traditional looking twin trunk if you so desired.

Interesting about the pot. What about it doesn't work for you? Have any suggestion for a different pot?
Nice tree. :)

For me no. I consider the one on the right a major branch.
For what many people would consider the ultimate authority: Naka Bonsai Techniques I, pp. 201 - 211

All but one of the pictures show the trunks diverging from the base; that one is singularly ugly and he calls it a "semi-trunk." (p. 207)
From the time I cut away some branches to see the trunk before I collected this tree I imagined this tree as two dancers - in a abstract way- hence in my mind it will always be two trunks. Since I had that abstract vision for it I've also always kind of considered it a bunjin. Its not I know but what can I say I can be hard headed. Every once in awhile I think about carving some of the dead wood to make it look more like two trunks but the deadwood is completely natural and its more important to me to preserve it that way. In any case like has been said it doesn't matter what I call it-it's one of my favorite trees.
Interesting about the pot. What about it doesn't work for you? Have any suggestion for a different pot?

For me, the pot feels much too small for the foliage mass of the tree and the heft of the trunk...I also think that the exposed roots add instability to the overall feeling... maybe lowering the tree in the pot, to the wide point at the base of the trunk, might make it more stable appearing...

Since I personally don't really see this tree as a literati,,,I think a larger pot would be in order...The tree has a lot of interest and character and might be able to pull of a pot with some intricacies...but my preference would be something much simpler in an oval or round... or maybe even a nanban style pot if you want to stick with the literati feel.

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It is nice for sure. In my opinion it feels unbalanced. But I am a newbie so take that with less than a grain of salt.
...I also think that the exposed roots add instability to overall feeling... maybe lowering the tree in the pot to the wide point at the base of the trunk might make more stable appearing...


To me the style of the top doesn't match the exposed roots (just personal preference).
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