trouble posting


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NE Oregon
I'm sure it is something I am doing...I very recently posted a thread on Larch problem. I have never received a reply and when I look for it on recent posts, I dont find it. I find it under my posts, but maybe no one else sees it. What am I doing wrong. Help appreciated. Source to the rescue Please!
Sorry I missed this, or more honestly, left it cuz it usually fixes itself before I can figure it out!

Is everything ok?

Hey! I have been watching these videos from Washington Street, this is a good episode, but there is one on physics which is fantastic, and very easily explained!

I've watched them all twice and once while sleeping! Highly recommended!

I guess it's ok. Someone told me it does not appear in the "new posts" section until someone replies to it. How can that be if they don't see it? I don't get it. Thanks for the response. Peter
That's a head shaker for me --> needing a machine to tell you that you made the post that you just posted.

What a pain in the patutie that would be, getting an alert every time I posted = yes, I know that! I just did that! Jesus! How do I turn these damn things off ? !!!!

If you're fearful, just check 'your content' after posting. Up there on the right side of the menu bar. See that rendition of your avitar? Click it. See the words 'Your Content'? Click on them. See your posts in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.

Now you can relax.

Or maybe be upset because nobody has responded to your post!!! :mad: While being fully confident you did post it. 😏

btw, you can also watch your own thread and get notifications when anybody responds, but it won't tell you that you just did what you did every time you did it (because that would be a real pain in the patutie ;))
I don't think your quest is obtainable. My impression is that there may have been some mechanical damage to the branches, but if you can't confirm that, how can an outsider speculate? The tree is too open to be shedding lower branches due to shading, and most diseases are not usually isolated to just lower branches. You're not getting answers because there doesn't seem be very many possible answers. I guess. You've had 183 looks, no problem there.
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