Trouble finding pine soil conditioner


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South Central PA
I have been using surface and soil conditioner for the past two years. This year I can not find any pine soil conditioner that does not look like mush.

What can I use to mix with my surface? I would like to purchase local or find something simila. The best I could find is miracle grow orchid soil.

I live in York, PA

I have been using surface and soil conditioner for the past two years. This year I can not find any pine soil conditioner that does not look like mush.

What can I use to mix with my surface? I would like to purchase local or find something simila. The best I could find is miracle grow orchid soil.

I live in York, PA

Lowes has it just needs to be screened.
home depot changed the bag and name. there may be one now called soil conditioner or pine conditioner or pine soil. I will look at my bags tomorrow and post a sku if I remember
Lowed carries soil cone but it says made from misc renewable forest products and gypsum. The nursery that I used in the past also changed to this. It has similar size items but im not sure if gypsum is a issue. Also it kinda smells like cedar is this a issue
There should be an Agway near you. They sell pine bark mulch, under the agway brand name.
What will the gypsum do?

Ace does not carry, alway only has large pine bark
Found soil conditioner but it has gypsum in it. Not sure if that is good or bad.
What will the gypsum do?

Ace does not carry, alway only has large pine bark
Found soil conditioner but it has gypsum in it. Not sure if that is good or bad.

No worries on the gypsum--it is there for several reasons. Anyways, I always rinse mine because of the presence of nitrofiers (fertilizer), and additives. They can disproportionately adhere to smaller particles and make the stuff a bit too zippy for me. Nugget size and extent of composting is what is important too me. I like the stuff to be able to hold moisture and be in the the state of partial break down--not just dry raw bark(DRB). Although many people successfully do use DRB and fertilize and water to compensate, it does not work for me. If you need finer materiel you can run the bark through a garden chipper. If you need to compost it add compost tea, full strength liquid fertilizer etc. and keep damp and warm but not soaked. As it breaks down it burns up most of the N. Dry it out and it and it pretty much stops the decomp.

7 42786 91320 3

I believe its just the middle numbers you need from ther barcode
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