Brian Van Fleet
Pretty Fly for a Bonsai Guy
Got it, you’re self-taught by the best teacher you could find.Let me put this into words that even you can understand: My dislike of 'Taters has nothing to do with whatever level I have attained. The old cliche, "There's no accounting for taste" is often used pejoratively, but is just a flat statement that means just what it says. Each individual comes to an affinity or dislike of something based upon their whole preceding life. We are all different. I come to bonsai as a serious gardener for 40 years. I had difficulty accepting trees with deadwood because in gardening visible deadwood is the mark of a lazy gardener. Now, I like some, but only if it is "beautiful", as I see and define "beautiful". What other people think is meaningless to me. The degree of difficulty in creating deadwood cuts no ice with me. I don't know why anyone would like 'Taters. Degree of difficulty, age, price tag, whatever, means nothing to me. I'm pretty sure there are forms of bonsai you don't like, those that are the product of clip & grow for sure. That doesn't offend me even though a large majority of my trees are just that. You are a product of your history. If part of that history is an anal retentive slavish adherence to the Japanese rules and definitions, that doesn't bother me either.
You've bought the party line, I haven't. Insinuating that if I were better educated I would like 'Taters is not going to influence me, or anybody like me. And, the people out there on the margin aren't going to be convinced either. It's a matter of personal taste, like colors. I like brown, someone else likes blue. Which color is prettier? Which color is superior?
Who is to say?
It’s incredulous how you trash the study of the classic art, while also claiming it doesn’t bother you. Seems like a smokescreen. You showed up here ready to assert your expertise but you’re out of your depth and 20 years behind.