1) I graft to see if I could do it, but also for ramification, taper, and flowers. Might as well try to get everything I want in one move. The thread graft, I only have one at top was to get the apex where I wanted.
2) I used scion from other quince, but same cultivar. Sometimes I use from same quince, moving a branch from one spot to another. It's possible. I generally remove suckers as they weaken the rest of the quince. I have considered using suckers for thread grafting but again it weakens tree. I just get another quince for that. It's more freedom. Easier to place where I want.
3) i cut back hard to about 2 or 3 buds usually. At times i did cut back to where branches split into two. After wiring branches, I manipulated with bends and coils to get branches compact. Later could be cut back further to where I actually want if branches pop up further back. Now that I have experience, I can graft branches then cut back to them later.
No need to rush. Take your time. Grow more quince from root cuttings or branch cuttings if you want to thread graft later. Or buy more quince. Your quince could thicken up some more. Theres a lot to learn. I've learned from the other members here.
thank you for the reply. Great tree you have there!
Yes, I want to grow the trunk larger but I am also good with working on ramification and making it a small tree.