At end of the day it really does not matter what it is thuja or Hinoki. They are very similar plants . There is lots of info out there on cultivating Hinoki . It all translates directly to thuja . What works for one will work for the other . Thuja is more a north east North American thing , because of the wild collected trees . They are very tough trees . Grow in tough situations in the wild . My only caution to you is . Be careful in the hottest part of summer they don’t get to dry . They love sun . But also love water . In the heat I don’t let mine get dry . Move them out of full sun . In the heat . Especially in the year there repottedKeep looking at this foliage compared to a hinoki cypress I have and I really think it may have been tagged incorrectly. That being said, I'm looking at May for a repot and air layer.