Thoughts on Peter Chan? (Herons Bonsai)

Before Al Gore invented the internet, I read, and was impressed by the Peter Chan books.

My biggest issue with Peter Chan is that his horticultural suggestions apply only to his relatively mild, gentle UK climate. It was difficult to learn correct timing for different techniques, because as a newbie, I had no idea how strongly climate affects what you can do and when you can get away with it.

I do like the Penjing feel of his work.

Nigel - here again I regularly disagree with his horticulture. But when compared with some of the younger, Japan trained artists from the Pacific Northwest, the quality and information content of his videos is pretty thin.

On the other hand, watching the Ryan Neil videos, the over all production quality, information density and artistic quality is so high that "all that came before" pale by comparison. Ryan is not perfect, but he sets the bar so high, that guys like Peter Chan, Nigel Saunders, or if anyone were to upload to YouTube one of my orchid or bonsai talks, myself. Eh gads, I look an amateur dolt compared to a Ryan Neil video.

If you meet your Bonsai God, walking the path, kill him. - a mangled version of the Buddhist saying, essentially a warning not to deify any mere mortal. All our gods have feet of clay, and gods forbid, don't fact check me on everything I say. I know I've actually spun a few wrong factoids over the years. I am certainly less accurate than Ryan Neil.
I fear for Peter's fingers when he gets to chopping with some shears. It always seems like he's in a hurry and his off hand is always at risk!

Nigel is the Bob Ross of bonsai. Similar tone, pleasant demeanor, simple methods, love of animals, wit, sense of humor, etc. Nigel himself will tell you "don't do what I do, do what works for you and makes you happy." He's just sharing his passion with the world.

I'm glad both of these guys are doing what they do.
Nigel is the Bob Ross of bonsai. Similar tone, pleasant demeanor, simple methods, love of animals, wit, sense of humor, etc. Nigel himself will tell you "don't do what I do, do what works for you and makes you happy." He's just sharing his passion with the world
Except that Bob Ross was a joke to any serious artist and most students.
Except that Bob Ross was a joke to any serious artist and most students.
That's not what he meant but that's how I see Nigel and I'm sure a lot of other people do too.

Peter Chans videos are quick and straight to the point. Can't flaw him for his horticultural knowledge however I've never read his books and have never seen anything of a top quality that he has produced, for that reason I don't rate him for bonsai. I think he needs to do some videos on some show quality bonsai.
Except that Bob Ross was a joke to any serious artist and most students.

Bob Ross was accessible. As is Nigel. Tons of people have found joy from both, and may have taken up pursuits that they would have felt intimidated by otherwise. I'm not sure what you personally may feel or what you're saying, but anyone who considers someone who is sharing their positivity and their passion with others "a joke", is an elitist snob who is missing the point. Of art. Of bonsai. And basically, of life.
Also of note — Peter Chan’s videos have significantly improved in production quality now that he uses a lapel mic, better camera, and splices short and effective clips together.

Except that Bob Ross was a joke to any serious artist and most students.
Disagree. (I have a BFA in visual arts)
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Bob Ross was accessible. As is Nigel. Tons of people have found joy from both, and may have taken up pursuits that they would have felt intimidated by otherwise. I'm not sure what you personally may feel or what you're saying, but anyone who considers someone who is sharing their positivity and their passion with others "a joke", is an elitist snob who is missing the point. Of art. Of bonsai. And basically, of life.
Sorry you didn't get it.
Also of note — Peter Chan’s videos have significantly improved in production quality now that he uses a lapel mic, better camera, and splices short and effective clips together.

Disagree. (I have a BFA in visual arts)
Very well.
I’m on the fence with the guy. Don’t get me wrong, he knows how to care for trees from the looks of them in his videos. They look extremely healthy and really knows his Japanese maples.
Not a fan of his styling though. I just saw a video of him telling somebody he could not style their tree now for the video because it would take a week. So he then grabbed this $5 piece of nursery material and began to style it. Then end product 60 secs later consisted of about 2-3 sets of bar branches and that was it. I was thinking it was the ugliest little juniper I’ve ever seen as he’s explaining styling is all personal choice and it dosent matter what choices are made. I get what he’s saying, but jeez, there’s a few rules he should follow!
When I first got into bonsai I watched a lot of Nigel.
One video, I heard him say for soil he uses, sifted turface and perlite, so that’s what I did. I had a lot of trees die that year. I guess it works for him in Canada when it’s only hot for 2 months out of the year. But for me, I had to water them 2-3 times a day if it was above 90.
Anyways, the videos are relaxing to watch and he’s so quirky and original it’s hard not to like him. But now I take what he says lightly. He does have some quality trees tho. And I like his progression channels where you can see the trees thru the years.
Sorry you didn't get it.
Why respond if you're only going to make enigmatic statements that have no discernable point? I'm not attempting to have an argument, and I would honestly, legitimately be interested to hear your points. But what exactly is the point of basically saying "I could tell you but you won't understand"? Just don't comment then.
Bob Ross was accessible. As is Nigel. Tons of people have found joy from both, and may have taken up pursuits that they would have felt intimidated by otherwise. I'm not sure what you personally may feel or what you're saying, but anyone who considers someone who is sharing their positivity and their passion with others "a joke", is an elitist snob who is missing the point. Of art. Of bonsai. And basically, of life.

Sorry you didn't get it.

Why respond if you're only going to make enigmatic statements that have no discernable point? I'm not attempting to have an argument, and I would honestly, legitimately be interested to hear your points. But what exactly is the point of basically saying "I could tell you but you won't understand"? Just don't comment then.

I like Peter Chan. One number he said puts his habits in perspective........"20,000 trees". Just think about our paltry 50-100 trees and what it takes to keep them up. Doing trees by the thousands and having to sell and make a profit off of them necessitates fast work and cutting some corners. He cannot afford to put 5 hours into every tree he touches. I'm quite sure that Mr. Chan, in his lifetime, will have been responisible for putting many more trees in bonsai enthusiasts' hands than most of the so-called "bonsai masters".
Why respond if you're only going to make enigmatic statements that have no discernable point? I'm not attempting to have an argument, and I would honestly, legitimately be interested to hear your points. But what exactly is the point of basically saying "I could tell you but you won't understand"? Just don't comment then.
Got it.
I love the guy. I have some hearing loss (thanks Mesa Boogie) so I always use closed captions when I can. Peter's unique accent makes for some really hilarious captions. Like, insta-meme quality.

Here's a good one from today:

View attachment 266044
Peter speaks the queen's English better than most English people. I'd be surprised if the voice recognition had difficulty with his accent. Maybe it would have the same issue with the queen?
I watch both of the guys, each one has his stronger and weaker points,

Peter - He is i think around 80 years old, he has a lot of expirience, but i guess his show trees prime time is gone, as someone else said, he went more for commercial aspect now, no time to focus on couple fo trees. i watch all his videos and aleways find some good advice or something to think about. There is no single doubt about what he is doing, he has done in the past and worked for him, the only aspect i dont like - he is mainly working on maples. He really loves nature and trees, you should see his face being around that massive old Yew tree, you can see passion and love. He has done a lot for bonsai world, he should be treated with respect.

Nigel - i think his my favorite guy to watch, i guess he is the only person that is honest and shows/talk the trees that died on him, ive never seen anyone else saying/showing trees that didnt make it. He has a knowlege and expirience, he know how to pass it on, his natural behavior and the way he talks makes him really pleasant to watch. Also i like to see his work and involvment in community work etc, he is very excited to do it also.
I cant stand the vidoes that are looking like from hollywood productions, it looks fake and artificial to me and mostly they will work on very old refined trees that needs more likely only more ramification and maybe repotting, dont get me wrong its interesting to watch but thats not im looking for. I like Nigels vidoes simply because he shows trees in different stage of growth, did you see anyone else planting seeds ? He has advice on each stage of growth and uses clip and grow which is very intersting too, its natural way.

Anyway that was me :)

Think twice before you do the same what was on the video:)
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