The winters in the Northeast have been, I'll say, variable the last few years. I am on the coast so most of the time the temp in the winter is 30's in the day and 20's at night. But, we will also get nights in the single digits followed by days in the 60's. I'm getting tired of leaving things to nature and hoping for the best....
Yup, I hear ya on that avenue as well.
JudyB brought to my attention a device called "CoolBot".
It gets wired to a window shaker/wall shaker A/C, and it allows the unit to run longer to achieve much lower temps than a typical A/C unit.
THAT would help tremendously, when we have such crazy temperature swings, as long as it's set-up properly with any heating system that might also be in place.
We surely don't want the systems "hunting" (fighting with each other, to hit each of their respective Temperature Set-Points).
Now, being able to do all of this via solar panels??? Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!
Soooo... I'm still researching to see if that's feasible, so I can work it into my plan as well.
Still working on a way to achieve both, Cold-House & Green-House.
Or I just might build one of each, and call it a day.

Thanks again JudyB, for all of your help!