The Tree Thread

Oh, Frary? Posting pretty girls in this thread does not give you a waiver from the rules! You owe us a picture of one of your trees
I wondered if someone would say something. How about a tree that's going to be mine this spring?
Jack pines I found yesterday out walking with Rupert.
Its much better than it shows in the picture.20180407_124717.jpg
Some spring shots of my Trident, i decided to keep this one and develop it...
20180409_194720 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_195956 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_200536 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_194244 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

an English Elm in training

20180409_202157 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_202006 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_201817 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180409_202222 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

another English Elm in training

20180408_185539 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180408_185743 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180408_185608 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
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I dug this chinese elm up from the growing bed, i want to develop it as a sumo style trunk, it may go back in the ground to continue the process, the plan to develop more height, movement and a better transition
20180411_174621 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180411_194529 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180411_194659 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

and a field maple in the bed, hard cut back to what will be the new trunk section
20180411_164701 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
This is another Cork bark elm that used to be part of a group
10987314_789545444443832_9204026961203849742_n by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

its was cut back to a more defined trunk line
2017-09-21_12-30-15 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

its in the ground now for further development, theres a chop there that should heal over in a couple years, some movement and taper and a good basic structure in place
20180413_135212 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

will just leave it be for a while
Looks like a Parson's Juniper? How long have you had this one in training?

Sorry, I just realized this was maybe directed toward me. I bought this in an online auction 5 years ago. A gathered juniper from CA, thought to be a San Jose juniper. The wire marks were so bad in places, I was pretty mad about the whole deal. The foliage was about triple what you see now. I’ve worked it back hard, I think I’m to the final frame and now to build it back. It does seem to come back to mature foliage pretty easy.

I was going to get rid of it at our club auction this spring. After looking at random pictures of my garden, I decided I liked how it looked in the garden and maybe I should work it harder, take some risks and quite babying it along.

This is a Black Hills Spruce that was originally collected by Andy Smith and sold to me by Don Blackmond. I repotted it this spring but didn't get very aggressive with the roots. It was still in the grow box that I assume it was planted in after collection. I think this pot is probably still too big but I like it for now.

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