The Tree Thread

My Shisigashira receiving a mist while basking in the first rays of sunshine this morning:)


  • IMG_20161022_082319817_HDR.jpg
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Pot upgraded to another cheap pot, but larger. Some of yall were right. It needed a larger pot. Roots looked great at repot. I see a few things I want to modify in the future.

a fed days back i posted this and mentioned i was hesitating to put wire on it, well going over that picture i wasn't satisfied
so i changed my mind and put some wire on it, trying to keep the look a bit playfull.
mini-ezotsutsuji.jpg mini-CIMG1556.JPG
Oopsie. No pic of one of your trees.
These are goodies from Dave Dewire.
Nice, this Taihei was from Dave Dewire. Think I'm going to give it another shot this winter, using this as the front:
This Kyokko Yatsabusa was also from Dave...via Don Blackmond.
What are your cultivars?
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