The Tree Thread

Here is a study of the bark on Mountain with Trees, my Ulmus Parvifolia Yatsubusa forest.

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That's like bonsai porn in a good way! Wowser!!!

Okay, nothing to even remotely worthy to share after that, so...will share my "Too Little" Bengamina Ficus. By all means...learning not all have a love for the Bengamina...but that's okay. This variety I keep reading is known for its straight trunk. Which is why I purchased it. I prefer things out of the norm at times.
Juniperus monosperma, my One-seed Juniper, recently styled. I posted a thread on it today.
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I think you can make it more compact and or will look better.

A crataegus monogyna I connected today

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Pyracantha...two years on the bench. A species we don't have here in local nurseries. @JudyB has an amazing specimen. But...for being desperate I jumped at finally finding material. Questioned my sanity when I first bought it. But...enjoy what this species brings to the table. Those in appropriate zones to grow this. I highly suggest it. It's a very rewarding tree...once you grasp it's growing habits.
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ROR Water Elm project from a cutting. I just exposed the rock a little more to have a look at the roots. They seem to be gripping the rock in several areas but I have some spaces too. Overall, I'm pretty happy for a first attempt. I think I'll start working on the top next year.2018-08-13 08.53.05.jpg
Collected Scots pine work-in-progress. I don't think a literati tree is meant to have such a heavy mop of foliage that it tips the pot over. It had a lot less than this when I collected it (and has a lot less now after being trimmed).

Jaw dropped. :eek:

That is a very nice the dead wood. Drool.

I hope you don't mind but I am not sure if the current style hi-lites the feature as well as it could though.

I am new to this n i notice my pine bonsai tree the leaves have harden n r falling off. Please how can i save my tree i bought new soil n food for it i need help n advance on what to do
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