Ive been growing a Birch(Betula pendula) for a couple seasons on my front balcony, on a tile in a flower pot....it only gets a little evening sun in this spot, it will be cut back eventually, when the trunk is thick enough,
20180825_154654 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
its beginning to take on a weeping form, natural for this species of birch
20180825_154721 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
given to me as a little sapling
2017-03-26_10-29-05 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
amazing how fast these can grow right?
i got a voluntair seedling popped up in the front garden last year growing like a weed
larch pushing the last growth for this season
That’s a nice tree, great barkEnglemann. View attachment 207624
A friend of mine said the same thing, that they look like Bonsai! I quickly replied with "dig them up and bring home!" HAHAHA
Nice as always mr beechA European Beech in the sun
2018-09-09_03-59-59 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
Another Beech
20180909_155011 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
and a European Hornbeam
20180909_154528 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr