The Tree Thread

San Jose juniper, being worked on last night in the kitchen and back on the bench today. I hate junipers, and this tree in particular. I'm working on getting the canopy even. I probably need to close up the gap between the first and second branches on the left as well.

Ive been growing a Birch(Betula pendula) for a couple seasons on my front balcony, on a tile in a flower only gets a little evening sun in this spot, it will be cut back eventually, when the trunk is thick enough,
20180825_154654 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

its beginning to take on a weeping form, natural for this species of birch
20180825_154721 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

given to me as a little sapling
2017-03-26_10-29-05 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
Ive been growing a Birch
I think this one is a Pubescens. A little shorter than yours.

This is a ground layer from a tree I dug last winter. It's probably going to be a multi-trunked shohin, depending on what it looks like when the leaves drop.
Ive been growing a Birch(Betula pendula) for a couple seasons on my front balcony, on a tile in a flower only gets a little evening sun in this spot, it will be cut back eventually, when the trunk is thick enough,
20180825_154654 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

its beginning to take on a weeping form, natural for this species of birch
20180825_154721 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

given to me as a little sapling
2017-03-26_10-29-05 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

amazing how fast these can grow right?
i got a voluntair seedling popped up in the front garden last year growing like a weed :)

larch pushing the last growth for this season
Good grief.
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amazing how fast these can grow right?
i got a voluntair seedling popped up in the front garden last year growing like a weed :)

larch pushing the last growth for this season

Yep, they grow scary fast and considering mine is in deep shade, im tempted to move it into full sun come spring......ive just wired some movement into the trunk, applied some tape to minimise any wire marks, im still getting some extension so the trunk was supple to movement
20180827_160143 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
2018-08-27_04-07-27 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr
20180827_160243 by Bobby Lane, on Flickr

the tree comes out the soil upright, so i think it will be eventually planted at an angle to accentuate the movement
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Looks like it has the makings of something really nice, looking forward to seeing what you do with it. This is my potentilla (work in progress again) after a hard cutback a few days age.

Does anyone out there defoliate potentillas?

Update on this potentilla:

Needs a haircut. Nice flowers though.
That’s a nice tree, great bark
A beech, last year it lost a few branches, also the main branch, I think because of damage I induced while wiring in winter. so now in proces of restyling, at least it came back strongly.


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