The Tree Thread

@Riversedgebonsai , @grouper52 and @Brian Van Fleet absolutely love your ginkgos! Such a cool species to have on ones bench. Lovely fall colors Will! Frank, a clumps! Brian...yours always looks to be flexing its chi chi and showing off. I always think of a weight lifter when I see yours.
Pyracantha and my thuja rock planting. Love the rock's got flaws...but, I still like it on the bench.
I used to have one styled very similar to yours...
View attachment 197942

Yours is cooler. Here is what mine looked like when I dug it up.


I sawed through the base and just used the left side. Plan is to get it into a slightly taller pot and continue the slant/cascade down.

2018-06-23 08.22.00.jpg
Light, shadow, a sprinkler system and the right time of day. A city park on the East side of the Red River two years ago. It goes to shows to me how important a good picture is to a good story. This is why I am constantly preaching about taking good photos. While looking for something else I came accros this one and thought I would share it with you.

I owe a tree. This one hasn’t been on the site.

A sandy soil flatland valley bottom tree found bouncing atop an eroding undercut road cutbank. All roots on the undercut side and dry with hardly any soil. Can’t understand how it was still alive, easiest collection ever though. Basically pushed it over straight onto the tailgate. The foliage was horribly grey and stayed that way for two years then she finally greened up. Still unworked but a substantial number of foliage and branches I didn’t see a use for have been removed by now. 7E2A5663-49C5-4707-A91A-89E6E0A04760.jpegF8080FB6-E765-4814-BD81-D60A51192DDD.jpeg
I owe a tree. This one hasn’t been on the site.

A sandy soil flatland valley bottom tree found bouncing atop an eroding undercut road cutbank. All roots on the undercut side and dry with hardly any soil. Can’t understand how it was still alive, easiest collection ever though. Basically pushed it over straight onto the tailgate. The foliage was horribly grey and stayed that way for two years then she finally greened up. Still unworked but a substantial number of foliage and branches I didn’t see a use for have been removed by now. View attachment 197997View attachment 197998

Raft! Put it on its side :p

The other victim of today!

Btw @MACH5 this attempt at styling a tree was inspired by one of your tree's i believe the multi trunk literati spruce one on bnut here somewere!
I owe a tree. This one hasn’t been on the site.

A sandy soil flatland valley bottom tree found bouncing atop an eroding undercut road cutbank. All roots on the undercut side and dry with hardly any soil. Can’t understand how it was still alive, easiest collection ever though. Basically pushed it over straight onto the tailgate. The foliage was horribly grey and stayed that way for two years then she finally greened up. Still unworked but a substantial number of foliage and branches I didn’t see a use for have been removed by now. View attachment 197997View attachment 197998

Reminds me of one of my Thujas where the very top makes a sharp turn downwards with a narrow live vein.

Japanese hydrangea (schizophragma hydrangeoides). This beautiful and interesting cultivar has extremely fragrant flowers which its scent can permeate the entire garden.

Reminds me of one of my Thujas where the very top makes a sharp turn downwards with a narrow live vein.

Japanese hydrangea (schizophragma hydrangeoides). This beautiful and interesting cultivar has extremely fragrant flowers which its scent can permeate the entire garden.

Yes, similar bones to your thuja for sure. I was tempted to show you on your thread but until recently it was too much of a bush to see into the structure with a photo. 1253A146-0DC3-44C8-BFA0-A11BE2F76C3E.jpeg
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