The Shohin Tree Thread

Impressively short needles on those - what species are they?
Both are JBP… this will be the 4th season I decandle (in a few months). The energy distribution is really getting even throughout… nice even growth is pleasing. I’m actually wondering if I’ll need to decandle (particularly the top one). If the goal is short needles, short internodes and 2 shoots at every tip, I think I already will get that.
Here’s a detail shot from both these trees (same order as before)
Small work in progress Willow Leaf Ficus. Might end up putting it into a slightly bigger pot to let it thicken up a little bit. Needs some light pruning and wire.

Stands just a hair over 5 inches.

Here’s my attempt at at a dwarf alberta spruce. Not entirely sure what to do with the apex so I haven’t touched it. This was one of my first goes at wiring I’ve learned quite a bit since.

Your post inspired me to throw mine up and see if anyone had any comment. Still need to figure out what to do with the top…
One of my BRT seedlings. Almost 3 yo, started from seed in January 2019. Will try to keep it this small. Call me the names, but this one's been grown entirely indoors for all its life.
BRT shohin 1 2021 01.jpg
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