The Little Christmas Tree Contest (2020 - 2023)

In addition to whether or not you keep your trees inside or out, I would love to hear about what you might be doing to the trees as far as styling or potting over the winter, or will most people wait till spring for any work...

The things I've picked up so far were very cheap, and I'm not brave or knowledgable enough to do anything other than getting them through the winter. So, personally, I intend to wait for spring.
i'm in! I'm gonna go scout some stores this week. Should be fun!
Make sure to ask employees! I got really lucky with my find (I will make my thread tonight)
I looked at 7 different places before I found mine while picking up a drink for my wife at an old small market. The employee knew of a tree that someone moved away from the others earlier.
Do we have to purchase the trees or can we use wild material? Are bald cypress allowed?
Do we have to purchase the trees or can we use wild material? Are bald cypress allowed?
Yes needs to be purchased at a store. It supposed to be a tree styled like a Christmas tree and sold in the store. No Deciduous trees allowed according to the rules
Cold zones people: What are y'all doing for overwintering your trees this first year? I feel a lot more comfortable overwintering something that I've seen sitting outside in my possession throughout fall than I do something of dubious history being sold in December in a heated store.
Mine was sitting outside at lowes and that's what it will do at home.
Im up for it, if i find some nice cheap trees :)
Im up for it, if i find some nice cheap trees :)
Good man. I don’t know what its like in Ireland but I’ve only been able to find various spruce and nordmann fir over here. Homebase are doing 2-3ft Norway spruce for £18 as a gauge. I was hoping to find something like a little novelty juniper or rosemary like they get over the (big) pond, but that seems like something we dont have over here, unless it’s been suffocated by fake snow. Is it similar for you?
Good man. I don’t know what its like in Ireland but I’ve only been able to find various spruce and nordmann fir over here. Homebase are doing 2-3ft Norway spruce for £18 as a gauge. I was hoping to find something like a little novelty juniper or rosemary like they get over the (big) pond, but that seems like something we dont have over here, unless it’s been suffocated by fake snow. Is it similar for you?

Yeaa its pretty much the same here, i didn't go through Christmas trees yet as i was planning to get big one closed to Christmas but from local farm no bigbox store.
I think i will wait till close to Christmas - like around Dec 22nd - they all should be going for half price or even less.
The only problem i see - some shops don't water them at all, and i think a lot of them might be dead, i will make sure i pick one from outdoors. be aware, fake snow destroys branches(i got small juniper(frosted) last year that i planted in the ground and it all went brown and died :( )

BTW, can tree from Christmas tree farm would do? i mean i would be dig up in spring of course ? Would rules allow that ?
Yeaa its pretty much the same here, i didn't go through Christmas trees yet as i was planning to get big one closed to Christmas but from local farm no bigbox store.
I think i will wait till close to Christmas - like around Dec 22nd - they all should be going for half price or even less.
The only problem i see - some shops don't water them at all, and i think a lot of them might be dead, i will make sure i pick one from outdoors. be aware, fake snow destroys branches(i got small juniper(frosted) last year that i planted in the ground and it all went brown and died :( )

BTW, can tree from Christmas tree farm would do? i mean i would be dig up in spring of course ? Would rules allow that ?
I’m not sure mate, ask @B.uneasy . I think it’s meant to be purchased in a pot, but then again, it is being sold as a christmas tree so I don’t know.

Yea my girlfriends mum got given one in a display the other day so I’ve cut off all the spray to get to the greenery inside and planted it in the garden. I expect tree death, but it’s got more chance now than it did.
I know it’s a contest but are we collaborating and sharing ideas? Or are we able to ask for advice? The reason being that most of us in the comp so far are relative noobs and liable to make mistakes, mainly due to timings and over enthusiasm etc. Also, I have questions about specific techniques and orders of things which are related to potential future designs and only having three years, timing is key!
I know it’s a contest but are we collaborating and sharing ideas? Or are we able to ask for advice? The reason being that most of us in the comp so far are relative noobs and liable to make mistakes, mainly due to timings and over enthusiasm etc. Also, I have questions about specific techniques and orders of things which are related to potential future designs and only having three years, timing is key!
I would vote yes.
I believe Christmas is a time for sharing.
-now give me all your trees!!
Would be a fun concept. I was toying with the idea of having two amps with one bass playing a singular tone via feedback, like a shruti box, with me playing leads over it...
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