River's Edge
Imperial Masterpiece
#20 is suitable for new shoots, of no long term use in anything older or lignified! Branches will not hold a downward form without repeated wiring!Thanks for your suggestions. I think some of the problem is canadensis' growth habit. Western foliage is a swirl of needles and canadensis is flat. Canadensis continues to grow as long as it is pinched even into late fall, so "hardened off" is only a winter view. I have never worked with Mertensiana. Have you tried canadensis?
The pads of my larger tree I find more pleasing than the smaller one, in that the branch structure is visually exposed below the foliage. I'm not sure the smaller tree has enough physical room for both without appearing to be fuzzy. This is a photo from march 25 after winter pruning and before bud-break. It's been wired out with 20 gauge a number of years and it just doesn't seem to get any better. Needle reduction is about a small as it gets. I like your trees and their form. How big are they?
For initial pad formation the branches forming the pad are wired in a similar flattened plane to counteract the natural upward shoot growth. When thinning for alternate branching it is important to leave occasional top shoots to wire in the centre! Otherwise the main leader will be bare in the centre of the pad. Repeated cutback to create density with side shoots! The preferred pad shape in my mind is an elongated diamond pattern. As with species that do not bud back beyond foliage retain branches closest to trunk when developing pads and wire out the end to replace thicker leader cut back.
From your pictures the growth habit appears to be the same as young mertensiana. As we seek to portray older more mature trees the wiring and pruning becomes a regular routine.
My Hemlocks range in size from 36 inches tall to 16 inches tall. The tapered thicker trunk one above, and in the Anderson flat is 16 inches tall. The twin trunk in the Sarah Rayner pot is 36 inches tall! The slimmer bunjin style is 30 inches tall, it is also in an Anderson flat! Tree's still in development remain in growth containers until the final stages of refinement! At least that is my practise