Summer Heat


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Getting the benches set up for the summer heat. Last year I had the trees against an east facing wall that acted like a heat soak. I also had some fungus issues by the end of summer. Too much heat and moisture and not enough airflow. So, I am putting benches in the open this summer to stay away from heat absorbing walls and to create a bit more airflow.
Shame on me for never mentioning how lethal reflected heat is. Looks like you figured it out on your own. Sorry. :(

For us, sundown does not end the daily danger our trees are in. As walls, sidewalks and landscape rocks release the heat from the day, it can cook our plants. You are on the right track as long as you keep them sheltered from afternoon sun. :-)
Fascinating, our sunlight is way stronger.
Guess it must be our clouds.
Pots sit in full sun and the house is white, but though the sun strikes from
6 a.m until around 3 p.m to 4 p.m and on the lawn until 6 p.m.
The rood over hang stops reflected heat.

Mind you, the same result for the western side of the house.
No reflected heat and on asphalt road / white walls.

I suspect it must be humidity ?
No breezes ?
And maybe non natives --------------- apologies thinking aloud.
Good Day
For us it is the heat/wind combination that is the real killer. In fact the wind will do you in in winter too. This year I'm making up a shade cloth shelter to see if that will be effective.
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