I really would like to out this in a proper outline. But even if I was sure it would stay formatted......it turns out it would be WAY TOO FUCKING LONG! The number of variables possible under each would need to be reentered for each....blah blah...understanding this may better organize this rant.
I was not happy with the performance of my soil
This is the very phenomenon that leads to the soil wars in the first place, the reason nothing and everything works!
Just repotting is an act that can change the performance of your tree for years, wether you used the "right" soil or not.
I find repotting during the wrong moon phase more detrimental than people realize.
When "the tree didn't skip a beat" is "true", I can 90% guarantee it was always during a waning moon. This can be researched.
How much then does repotting during a waxing moon effect a trees performance?
And if too many roots were removed?
(We can't KNOW this)
And if the tree wasn't healthy enough for a repot in the first place? (We cant know this)
So if person A. repots on a waning moon, leaves enough roots, on a healthy tree, soil X is "good".
If person B. repots on a waxing moon, removes too many roots, on an unhealthy tree, same soil X is "bad".
Those 2 situations are only the extremes.
Most Right. And most Wrong. (Which we cant even know for sure)
The combination of variables on these three repotting factors alone is endless.
Yoinked from elsewhere.......
In total, this means there are 27 different combinations. They are listed below:
rrr bbb yyy
rrb bbr yyr
rbr brb yry
brr rbb ryy
rry bby yyb
ryr byb yby
yrr ybb byy
rby bry yrb
ryb byr ybr
Hence the soil wars see.....
No one ever brings up which combination they are!
And even if we know.....we simply can't "know" if our technique is or was appropriate.
We can only research to fact, the moon, and which repottings were timed correctly.
Once this figure is understood, we can begin breaking down health, and appropriate removal %, in an attempt to understand it better, still, we can never know fpr sure.
What we can know is this of "the shin", the "beating heart"....
Hello Key!
The health of the Shin, the Core, we CAN know this, put a gauge on it.....
Way more important to worry about that than the what soil we use!
Nursery's do not spot check and water "a little when a chopstick says so"....
They water the fuck out of every tree everyday and shit thrives!
Uppotting nursery trees never disturbs the shin.
Overwatering doesn't cause root rot.
Stagnant water leads to the conditions that the root rot thrives in.
Watering a lot everyday no matter what the soil is washes water moulds out.
So anyway.....
At least fighting about it was entertaining, trying to make it scientifical and understand something we can never understand without at least starting to understand the shit that actually matters if we want to understand it........
An equal waste of time but with NO entertainment value!