
Soda-firing happens in the gas/air around the pieces... The kiln is par-heated (Not sure to what, I’ve never done it) and sodiums(mainly) and other groovy molecules are slowly added to the heat, creating a reaction on the clay surface..... I think. 🤣
My mind has been active..EFDA3675-97A0-4C18-9472-036F3D079B86.jpeg
Just that.. my given life-stress needed something to be temporarily neglected... and everything else I do involves living things!!!

I’ll be TRYING to throw a piece today!

I really appreciate all the support!
Found a box on my porch this afternoon!

Thanks for the seeds for the garden as well!

The triangle came out quite well! The little thing is impressive and the feet on the green one are great!


Time to get titled!

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