Stewartia monadelpha for sale

Any chance you could share how this setup works? I've been thinking about doing a coolbot, or some sort of cooler chiller for some time, but have not done it yet. If I move to a warmer clime, I will be in need of actually doing something, so would appreciate anything you'd like to share.

A couple of coolbots! Just to keep high Alpine somewhat happy. And for Florida, a couple dehumidifiers! Day light length is impossible to work with. So for all my out of "zone" plants, I buy yamadori thats beautiful the way it is and never ever assume it'll will get trained. I just appreciate it beauty the way it is.
A couple of coolbots! Just to keep high Alpine somewhat happy. And for Florida, a couple dehumidifiers! Day light length is impossible to work with. So for all my out of "zone" plants, I buy yamadori thats beautiful the way it is and never ever assume it'll will get trained. I just appreciate it beauty the way it is.
How well insulated is your space? And how long do your units run? If you'd rather do this via PM or email please message me, I would love to know more. I know that I need to get my plan in place before too much longer...
I hate to bring up an old "for sale" thread, but regarding the Stewartia in Tampa, in will not make it past year two or three. The problem is that it will not make it without having it's biological need for chill hours met, the length of daylight is not the issue as the tree is leafless when it is gaining (or not gaining) the chill hours needed to achieve adequate dormancy. The humidity is not the issue either, though the tree will certainly resent the months and months of heat and humidity it will have to endure in Tampa, and these summer conditions would probably hasten its demise there. If John's "cold" greenhouse provides an artificial means of providing cold temperatures to dormant trees, it could work, but otherwise, I give a Stewartia monadelpha 3 years max before it dies after being grown in the Tampa area.
This tree looks familiar,did it come from greenthumb?
He had a few really nice ones last year,ones at my house,gree strong all summer,they have fabulous roots
@miker That is what the discussion about him having a coolbot was all about. It's a means of creating a chiller space to give the trees dormancy where there is none naturally. I will be interested to see how it works for him.
Interesting Judy. This whole coolbot concept might represent the wave of the future for those wanting to grow temperate potted stuff in mild winter areas. Obviously more practical for more than a couple trees than a refrigerator.
What would shipping be to Indianapolis, 46205

Many Thanks,
Neil Larson
This thread is a couple years old, so you might have better luck buying one from Green Thumb directly:
I bought mine from the grower who supplies the nursery. Stewartia are awesome trees.
I'd love to get this one but I know it is too late...
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