Squirrels are destroying my Chinese elm!

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Chandler, TX
I know this is a common issue, but I caught it too late and they have done massive damage to the base of my tree. I know it is squirrels because I caught one of them today chewing on it. I am so irritated. I’ve got some other trees that I dig up and am training, but I spent money on this elm and now it is pretty ugly 😩

Does anyone have any advice on ways to make this look like a feature instead of a mistake? Or will I need to try air layering above the scars? It’s not the prettiest specimen, but it was my first bonsai. So it’s got a little bit of sentimental value.

I sprinkled cayenne pepper around the base cause I read that squirrels don’t like it. I’m not sure what else to do. I have bonsai because I like to look at them. Covering them in mesh to keep pests out would take from the beauty in my opinion.


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I have a collected elm with somewhat similar looking damage straight from nature, so I wouldn't worry too much about it looking like a mistake. I'd focus on the tree's health in the short term and see how the aesthetics evolved before deciding on something like an air layer.
For the tree, I recommend you get it growing fast to recover from the injury. Consider putting it in the ground or at least in a deeper training pot to get it growing fast, and it may even heal over the wound completely. It is an elm, after all.

For the squirrels, I recommend a .22 or a conibear trap. You can find lots of good recipes online.
I had this happen with my Japanese Maples and an azalea. I cleaned up the edges with grafting knife and covered with cutpaste and they all healed up really well. They probably need one more round of wound care to fully close up.
Are there intact roots and bark on the other side of the damage? It is repotting season, you could pot it much deeper to cover the wound. Roots might sprout from the edges of the damage.

Squirrels: dogs, traps, air rifle. Take no prisoners.
If there is bark on the backside then the tree should live but it may end up with a nasty deadwood area and it might even develop reverse tape there. Personally I’d ground or air layer it and in a few weeks you should have new roots and can start anew. BTW, if you leave the rootstock in the pot it will likely sprout a number shoots and give you a nice clump. I have a slippery elm that I ground layered due to a nasty surface root and it now has a nice flared trunk and radial root system plus I have a clump with 12 shoots as a bonus. I also have a beech that a squirrel got to and after 5 years the bark still hasn’t completely rolled over and it likely will have a permanent scar.
Try wolf urine in a spray bottle. You can buy it online. Spray the shelves and surrounding area where you think they might be coming from. You don't have to spray the tree itself.
The problem with exterminating the brutes is that, because they are so territorial, when you get rid of one, others move into the vacant territory and take it over, looking for new food sources, like your trees.
I have a neighbor who doesn't do bonsai, but has been plagued with squirrels burrowing around his foundation. He hired a professional exterminator, who so far has live trapped 14 squirrels and counting. 1000003070.jpg
Could be a feature, nature doing it's thing.

Gamo air rifle. .177, at least 1200fps, that'll do the trick for prevention.
I’m with gabler, I have had this happen to my Chinese elms. So frequently that I stopped growing them actually. But the best thing I’ve found is just to leave them alone and fertilize heavily, they heal large wounds heal very well, thanks to the gelatinous sap under the bark.
I have a neighbor who doesn't do bonsai, but has been plagued with squirrels burrowing around his foundation. He hired a professional exterminator, who so far has live trapped 14 squirrels and counting.
Waste of money! My neighbor did over 50 in a season, and it didn't make a dent!
Could be a feature, nature doing it's thing.

Gamo air rifle. .177, at least 1200fps, that'll do the trick for prevention.

Yes, until they mount a defense. My squirrels now post sentries. If I come out empty handed they ignore me. If I come out with the air rifle they chatter and scatter. I'm good enough with the Gamo to hit a sitting squirrel, not good enough to hit a running one.
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