You're certainly not shy about going straight for the image you're after are you? I probably would have taken about four years of gradual reduction and strengthening of the keeper branch to get to that point!
Looking forward to seeing how it responds for you.
There's more than enough root in the pot to power that little branch, there's been no flow disrupted on that side whatsoever and thats the strongest part of the tree according to the root formation and veins directly under that branch. but i know spruce can be finicky about having this much foliage removed in one go, its more an experiment i guess...where i got this tree there must be a 100 others, some with bigger trunks, some smaller. if this one doesnt respond in spring, i'd be tempted to get another and work it differently.
the material ive been working on lately are all very well established trees, with roots bursting out of the pot, time will tell if i get away with it, the yews ive worked on lately have had the same treatment, there are also plenty more where i got those.
rather than over working my other trees, ive been picking up these new raw bits for dirt cheap and practising on them, it keeps me busy, but i think they all have potential if i can keep them alive, ive also learnt a a lot and improved certain skills.
Ive picked up loads of bits over the past few weeks, i dont post everything though...
i picked up this beech for £3 it has potential but very early stages
2016-10-25_09-12-11 by
Bobby Lane, on Flickr
IMG_2728 by
Bobby Lane, on Flickr
a hornbeam with a powerful base, pretty straight trunk, has potential as a basic broom i think, also early days, this was also very cheap
2016-10-19_06-12-06 by
Bobby Lane, on Flickr
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Bobby Lane, on Flickr
14657529_1146272242104482_5714137448223192430_n by
Bobby Lane, on Flickr
so yeah just been having lots of fun tbh