Imperial Masterpiece
Thank you. I will do that soon.Go ahead and select the ones you want to keep, especially on the apex, as that will get away for you.
Thank you. I will do that soon.Go ahead and select the ones you want to keep, especially on the apex, as that will get away for you.
I let shoots grow like crazy for a while to strengthen the new roots then periodically edit out shoots I know will never be needed. Balances out the strength of those lower down.A question for all our in house experts @Sekibonsai, @Zach Smith, @Mellow Mullet, @Joe Dupre' et. al.
I experience explosive growth for some of my collected BCs in just two months this spring. Should I let them continue to next year or can I do some branch selection during the summer lull so I can focus the growth in the second growing season I have late summer going into the fall?
My current thinking is to limit number of the top shoots to what I want. The lower branches will also be pruned to the ones I want to keep.
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I am doing exactly that. I've checked the root growth and they look good. For this round I just knocked off the top branches that I will never use. I hope that encourages the remaining ones to grow bigger. The trees will be fed well and left alone now to grow again.I let shoots grow like crazy for a while to strengthen the new roots then periodically edit out shoots I know will never be needed. Balances out the strength of those lower down.
There they go!4 trees thinned out. I could have taken more branches out but wanted to leave some options. I also leave enough foliage for them to thrive.
Tree 1 before and after
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Tree 2
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Tree 3
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Tree 4
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That is a really neat technique!The branch massage technique
@Sekibonsai mentioned it in another thread. I am putting it to this thread since it is our study of the species.
Young BC branches are very apical. They all try to shoot up straight like water sprouts. If you stroke them from the base to the tip with gentle pressure, they bend down and stay down. It takes some practice to feel the right amount of pressure to bend but not break the shoot. Yes you can feel the mini break of the young tissues in the shoot. I am sure a sensitive ear can hear it as well.
Do it like stroking the hair of your lovely!
Below are the picture if before and after a massage. Do it a few times and a branch will be horizontal.
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Picture of the massaged branches of another tree
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Those trunks were too straight so I give them a little bend.Collected early December. Trees were in the way of a deer stand. They just went into dormancy. It is going to be a long wait.
Beautiful bases 4” and 5”. Nice smooth taper.
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Those trunks were too straight so I give them a little bend.
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Am I doing it wrong? I have been doing that for decades with yard trees.