I looked back at many threads here where BCs from nursery were shown with circling and crossing roots. Many of us think that we just have to live with that bad base. We don't. BCs will root readily and we can redo the root base.
If I bought a big BC (2+" trunk) from the nursery for cheap and then found that the roots hopelessly circled the pots forming an unacceptable base, I will do the following.
If the tree is very healthy and I think there is plenty of energy reserve in the roots, early in the spring, just before bud break, I would chop the top, bare the root and cut off ALL the circling part until the roots are radial. Then I would pot the tree into a good size pot with nursery potting soil and put it in a spot where it would only get about 2-3 hours of morning sun for about 6-8 weeks for it to bud out. During this time, I will water it at least twice a day and keep the medium very wet. Make sure there is no standing water however, the pot needs to drain out. Once the shoots are 12" long, I would put the tree out to full sun. In a year that tree will be ready for styling. In this case, I pretty much treat the nursery BC like a collected BC and it works every time for me.
If the tree is a bit weak and we are already into late spring or early summer, I would prune the tree and reduce foliage. Then I cut one half circle of the roots to radial. Then I would pot and care for the tree the same as above and let it grow until next year. Next spring I will chop the tree and cut the roots to radial to the other half of the tree. The tree will be ready for styling the next year.
I hope this post is helpful for y'all.