species ID help, please

Definitely not eastern redbud, bark isn't right, leaves don't seem right either. Why couldn't it be Adler, as labeled?
Ah I misread I thought she said the leaves were not serrated. Re-reading she said they are, you are likely correct Brian.
Brian, the first link you have shows it the best. Shows the little tail on the leaf.

In my first post I said the leaves were unlike alder I was familiar with...my books and search didn't show the Italian Alder.
My other alder leaves are very crinkled, not smooth and the serrations very definite.
When this tree leafed out the leaves were very smooth, thin and soft. (still are) and curved. Serrations didn't show.
Duh- they are there (small) and when the leaves are larger and my reading glasses on barely visible.

Thank you all so much.
Sorry for the confusion, this is a great forum.
Haved lurked and tried to learn for years.

I have quite a few trees I'd love advice on, have no local club unfortunately. 95 miles to the nearest....been hoping to make it to their meetings.

Rose Mary
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