Personally I "thought" this thread was very informative... Many good pieces of advise from a diversified group. Much of it very helpful to people at various stages in the Art. I never saw a reason to make it a "Pissing" thread by the author and was hoping to see even more input by more members. Maybe I missed something but I "thought" sharing here no matter how it is viewed made it "spin". I saw it coming, I am out of this one *sigh*.
Note to author: Have you ever considered not being offended and even respected by many? Your ways are good and thank you for sharing - honest. Next time I PM you with a purchase request could you follow up this fast. Later man - enjoy being miserable *shrugs*.
Not sure what PM you might be talking about seeing that I have checked my box an no messages
From you at all. Sorry.
Side note I don't care honestly about being respected or offended by anyone here.
I knew a long time ago that this wasn't going to be the case. Hell, I don't even care if anyone
Here actually likes me... this is not important to me.
What is important however is doing and discussing bonsai.
This is one of the few places that is good to do this.
Now me and B-Nut haven't always seen eye to eye, and may never on
Some points, but out if respect to him, I told him I would try and make
A difference and not sit and argue with everyone, whether they deserve
It or not.
But, I gotta say it's really hard when you have people repeatedly trying to
Prove you are wrong, or say stupid little things like this is a dirty
Way of doing things. They made their views heard, gave their opinions,
I respected their views even though I still think they are incorrect, I didn't
Hound them over their ideas and try and prove them wrong. In fact I didn't
Even say they were incorrect, which is the funny part. This
Discussion could of easily ended along time ago if I wasn't stuck trying to
Have to defend myself.
I think I clearly made the point of lets just agree to disagree, and respect each
Others opinions, because they are all valuable, numerous times. So many I would
Have to go back and count. But, it couldn't stop there no...
Everyone had to keep pushing and when I get tired of it everyone gets all
Pissy, and says I am all sensitive. And they wonder why ???
I mean if this is going to be the way it is every time I post, I would
Rather just cut to the chase, and get rid of all the niceties. And I can just
Go back to not having to try and fool myself into believing that people here
Actually care about Bonsai or being nice. See I don't think anyone here actually
Realky does, but out of respect to B-Nut and the time and money and effort he has put
Into this site, I told him I was willing to try, but if you are going to accuse me of
Being a liar and giving out false or wrong information it isn't going to work, I will
Tell you that now.