SI have decided to go back into bonsaiNut ya guys.

No words...a deep heart felt ache inside. My step brother lost his son that way as well. I hate to know of any who have struggled through this. As have dear friends of ours, and my mother in law,her father.

I've no use for Al...with his going there on this thread in the direction he did. There was no call for it. His mind games stop here with me on this thread. All respect gone...I am sorry that his games touched they clearly have. My deepest heart felt what you and your family have faced,and face daily.

Thank you. I really appreciate these words.
He told me in PM that the tree I posted above is shit. No explanation as to what is shit about it. Never a question about what I want to do with it. Had he first asked what I wanted out of the tree and if I had told him I want it to be the best there ever was..._then_ he'd have valid grounds for telling me it was shit because this species does not make convincing bonsai in the classical bonsai sense. I'd cry a little and question my life's choices but he'd be justified in being brusque in his quirky way.

Instead he never once asked me what I wanted out of the tree or even out of bonsai...he just tells me it's shit with no justification what-so-ever. What good does that do anyone? What I _want_ from this tree is something I can fit into a nice pot that I can sit on my patio as a conversation starter. Something to remember that time my wife took me on a surprise trip to Avenue of the Giants to see the redwoods. Turns out "bonsai" people have the most experience in doing things like that whether you want to call what I do "bonsai" or not.
Dude, if that's what happened in it's entirety, that's schoolyard bullying.

Hey look. I've thought about my comments to you and quite frankly, I was a troll. Your issue with Smoke is between you two. I thought maybe if you could be convinced to post a tree (even stick in pot) to discuss, he would back off.

Like if you plan to grow it out and just learning its growth characteristic because it's all new to you, that can at least maybe start a meaningful discussion.

I apologize if I've given you grief 🤐😶😷
I apologize if I've given you grief

That's grown up.

I had to apologize to @Forsoothe! For treating him a way that was really only brought on because I was "agreeing" with Smokes opinion on him.

The Difference Between Infected and Affected is..


Look that shit up.

Yeah I coined it right now.

I suppose it is possible that your tree is shit, I don't know. Then it becomes necessary in my mind to define what I mean by shit and how it applies to your treee, however I never tell someone their tree is shit unless they first throw it in my face. I have known Smoke for a lot of years, you read his stories about the places on the net he has been and I was there too, and though sometimes he can be crotchety I have never known him to be mean.

If by "crotchety" you mean, doesn't get his face in enough crotch. I agree! And of course, that can be interpreted many ways, man crotch, cheat crotch, own crotch, goat crotch.

I have to bring note to the fact that Leatherback prefaced the quoted with, "if you love a tree so much you don't let it die", with this his lesson makes sense. The good trees live.

Plus if you go on, the person he was talking to, understood the response.

So all the context makes this little exchange ok. first I had a problem with the math too.
Kept silent. Then you (VW) posted, and I felt like "agreeing". But I realized that would seem like "ganging up" on LB, when in fact I was trying to "dilute" the "attack".

Then I realized the transmission between poster and intended reciever was OK and harmless, which brought light to the fact I misunderstood something.

Internet Communication is in it's infancy. We got a ton to learn, which, let's not lighten it, isn't learning, we can only evolve into these things.

Well, we can learn of we see what happens.

I think people around 10 and under will have what it takes to communicate over the internet successfully.

This is why all this shit goes on.


I suppose it is possible that your tree is shit, I don't know. Then it becomes necessary in my mind to define what I mean by shit and how it applies to your treee, however I never tell someone their tree is shit unless they first throw it in my face. I have known Smoke for a lot of years, you read his stories about the places on the net he has been and I was there too, and though sometimes he can be crotchety I have never known him to be mean.
Oh, I believe he can be mean...he wants to push people he says to do better. But, does he really? I question that...I really do. He's had a beef with me ever since I got a title. Rediculous, childish beef. That's where the alias Bananaman stemmed from. To show he didn't want a title. So his post count didn't go up. I used to respect the man. But he plays a dirty game. One I don't respect any longer. He may know things...but he's not the only one to do bonsai. I will find knowledge from another source.

He used to be my friend on Facebook. But couldn't be my friend here...because of his persona he had to keep. We no longer are friends there...because he and his prove yourself FURIOUS that Valavanis would inquire of my ryusen. It was crap...I won't go on to say more. Because it was belittliling. But, apparently...only his opinion counts. Its actually quite an ugly side of him...

But, I don't need his validation...I was recognized for women of Bonsai for Wayne's Mother's Day women of Bonsai with Bonsai Bark. Not all women were mentioned because that's impossible. But Jennifer Price was as well. My Tamarix...the ugly tree I saved and built from scratch was shown with my name. I was quite honored. Not sure how he even found put me in that newsletter. But I was quite honored. But, Al...he's never said a compliment to any of my work that I can ever recall. Which, is also fine. Because at the end of the day...he's not my gauge of where I find joy or contentment. But...Yeah, I've seen him be mean...I won't even post what he said. It's not worth sharing. But he was ranting mad. Then he did me an amazing favor. He blocked me. Lol that turned out to be a blessing.
Last edited: first I had a problem with the math too.
Kept silent. Then you (VW) posted, and I felt like "agreeing". But I realized that would seem like "ganging up" on LB, when in fact I was trying to "dilute" the "attack".

Then I realized the transmission between poster and intended reciever was OK and harmless, which brought light to the fact I misunderstood something.
Great example of something I read the other day, and which I think holds true.
If we all start from the assumption that nobody is out of actively hurt or degrade a person, se we pressume good faith, in many cases we would be better off. On this forum, but also in real life I see that thinks spin out of control with the blink of an eye over something, very often, quite harmless and misunderstood.

Everyone please remember this,

smoke was born proficient at the art form of bonsai, he was never a beginner and therefore he can berate and insult anyone he wants.

being born an expert and immediately having talent without ever having to learn earns him the right to decide who is worthy to practice bonsai
Everyone please remember this,

smoke was born proficient at the art form of bonsai, he was never a beginner and therefore he can berate and insult anyone he wants.

being born an expert and immediately having talent without ever having to learn earns him the right to decide who is worthy to practice bonsai
What’s your deal? sad that the replies on this thread finally died off ?
sad that the replies on this thread finally died off ?
Not sad....but I will throw in my $0.02.
Nuff said.
@Microscopic gets it.
I get it.

My opinion is this....
I have experienced lots of different education from lots of different educators. The guy who trained me in my career was a lot like smoke here.
We can all learn something from each other whether we like each other or not.

Edit: Thats why I dont use Ignore.
Edit: Thats why I dont use Ignore
And ofcourse you're right. The only people I ever ignored here is smoke and that crazy kid that does his wiring in Starbucks... :oops: I since lifted smokes ignore. Won't make a difference to him and that's ok.
Problem for me is, ignoring someone has a similar effect as hate....for me in any case.
It festers inside, and most of the time you're worst off than the one you're trying to stay away from. I'm just trying to be at peace with myself and everyone around me. Hopefully someday it should stand me in good stead....😁
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