Charging more than was charged before the emergency has a name: Profiteering. It is specifically illegal and the fines and penalties usually exceed the profit, the value of the company, and the net worth of the officers and board members involved. Profiteering is defined as increasing the gross profit or net profit via clever accounting, and/or failure to adjust the price downward due to the increases in efficiency due to increases in production, reduction in cost of materials, labor, or whatever. After the emergency is over all the prices paid for a given widget are compared and anyone higher than typical will be visited by forensic accountants who know all the angles.
I see you have not been paying attention to what is really happening. THis has nothing to do with profiteering although that has been happening with masks and yes those people will be held responsible. What I am talking about it the need for ventilators to save people's lives.
There are not enough ventilators in the U.S. nor are there enough companies that can make them fast enough, so the states and FEMA are going elsewhere to buy them.
These are companies in China and elsewhere that are not subject to U.S. laws. RIght now about the only place to buy ventilators are in China.
NY calls up a supplier and offers to pay 15K per ventilator, then California calls and offers 16K per, then Michigan calls and offers 17K, then FEMA calls and offers 18K because we are not coordinating amongst each other. There are not enough supply to go around so states are outbidding each other to try and get what is available now because they need them now.
FEMA should have taken the lead on this and then worked it out with the states for what they need.
Envoking the defense act is all well and good, but it takes time for company that is not set up or trained to make the things to geared up and start making them.
Ford is going to make 50,000 of them in the next 100 days or so the reports said. That doesnt help the patient in the hospital right now that needs one and there isnt one available.
New York City predicts they have enough for the next 6 days then they will have to choose who lives and who dies if they dont get more available.
I would not want to be the doctor that has to make that decision.
Pray its not you or your loved one that needs one when they are not available.