Shrubby crab in summer

Very nice tree, kudos on you! 👍

And it looks very healthy : I have several in a hedge and each year, they get smthg like powdery mildew (white stuff on deformed leaves you know). How do you manage to keep fungal diseases at bay ?...

Had a serious case of mildew and probably cedar-apple rust when acquired. A few spring applications of a pretty basic "over the counter" anti-fungal over a couple years cleared it up. Going forwards, I used/use a smallish pot with full sun exposure. Only have a few Junipers, so maybe that helps too. Probably a bit lucky as well. This tree takes 3-4 waterings a day for most of the growing season. I stay pretty vigilant with eyeing it up for any bug infestations and don't really remember any serious attacks. I think the full sun helps and trying to keep any organics in the soil to the minimum needed to retain just a bit extra moisture. Plus, this thing starts growing when it's still pretty's 37 f out there today!!!
You mean 2.77778°C ? 2 degrees above zero Celsius ? Wow. o_O

Here, it's at the lowest 9°C at night, and this afternoon it was 26°C (48.2 / 78.8). It's unusually hot though, as I said in another post, it's like July in the afternoon.

Mine flowered almost a month ago, and it's true that apple trees in general are quite early, esp. young seedlings that are among the fist one to bud out (before Acer p. katsura for a reference). We had a very mild winter, a lot of rain until spring, then dry, warm weather for several weeks.
Tough season with lot's of 90+ days. Pot is too small so tree didn't grow much after the initial spring push. Time to make a trip down to NEBG and go pot shopping!

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I wanna GO! Say hi to John for me. Would love to take a couple of his classes.
That's very nice apple-trees you've got there, LanceMac10 👍

Great Autumn colours, no scorch leaves, congratulations.
Roots look very fibrous very unstoppable. Rock on :cool:
I'm sure that pot will grow on me, but looks like a perfect transition size.
I really liked the pot it was in for the Fall colour. Can't wait to see it throughout the year like last year.
saw-zall blade and some elbow grease....going to take a few re-pots to get it flat, fat and happy.......

probably won't be able to go much shallower and it's gonna' have to be "brought in" with lot's of straight branches everywhere...
Beautiful tree. Any idea on cultivar with that red growth?

reading back about pruning - I can’t figure these guys out yet. You prune after new growth has hardened to induce some buds to set back on the branches later in the year?
I am trying my darndest to get growth closer to the trunk but haven’t had much luck. Been reducing the number of flowers when they emerge in spring to 1-2 per clump to try and focus more on new buds.
Love that pot in particular with the tree, amazing combo!
Thanks Brad for the positive vibes! Still in the dark concerning which cultivar it may be.

Yeah, they seem to just put a bud out at any spot you prune. Maybe some restraint with pruning early in the season to allow vigorous elongation can help "re-invigorate" some dormant buds following an aggressive pruning? This was a really aggressive re-pot, cutting Coney Island hotdog-sized rolls of roots off with a sickle type aggressive. Seemed to activate some growth deep in the interior, maybe there is some correlation?

Yamafusa. Maybe not so much the right pot, but she's nice right now! ;) :rolleyes:😁😁😁😁😁

Have a great growing weekend, good sir!
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